Chapter 332
Finally, under Ye Laiyin's reminder, several people got on the bullock cart with a smile and entered the village happily.

Ye Laijin thought that there was no decent food and drink at home, but Ye Laiyin had quite a few. He still had two jars of wine in his house, and his mother also had bacon. Can handle it.

So, when Zhang Tieniu offered to leave after entering the village, Ye Laiyin warmly invited him to eat at home, but Zhang Tieqing declined with a smile, "No, I have something to do when I go home, and your fields are also busy, waiting for the wheat to be planted." Bar."

"Okay, second child, brother Zhang is also a sincere person, wait for the wheat to be planted, and then invite brother Zhang to come to drink at home, it won't be a few days."

Ye Laijin thought in his heart that if he wanted to treat guests, he would have to buy some meat and vegetables, as well as jars of spirits, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

"Haha, listen to Brother Ye, the second brother is also not polite."

Zhang Tieniu was rough and subtle, and Ye Laijin didn't say it clearly, and he could guess what he was thinking. Brother Ye was afraid that he would not greet him well, so he didn't stop bothering him, lest Brother Ye feel bad.

"By the way, will Brother Ye know how to drive cattle?"

After jumping off the ox cart, Zhang Tieniu remembered what happened, and said, "This ox is gentle and obedient, so it's not difficult to drive, but Brother Ye should be proficient at driving the ox first, and then plow the fields."

"Brother Zhang is right. If you have big yellow cattle, you don't have to rush to turn over the fields. Let's raise them first."

"Well, by the way, do you want me to help you buy the iron plow for plowing the land?"

There is no one in Yejia Village who raises cattle, and few families are willing to spend money to rent cattle. For example, the head of Guan’s family rents cattle to plow the fields, but Ye Xusheng has never seen it in his daily studies. He only thinks that buying cattle must be accompanied by a cart. I never thought of buying an iron plow.

Zhang Tieniu didn't farm, and he didn't expect this crop. All his attention was on how to choose the cattle. Of course, Zhang Tieniu carefully selected the frame for the cattle cart. The frame was made of brand-new rosewood, which was hard and strong.

If it wasn't for plowing, Zhang Tieniu would not have thought about the plow.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin looked at their father subconsciously, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, since they helped to buy the cows, there is no shame in bothering him.

Moreover, neither the ox nor the frame seemed cheap, and they didn't know if the deer had enough money. They didn't have any money, and if they didn't have enough money, they had to ask his father for it.

The general Ye Laijin thought of this, and he was afraid that the silver would not be enough. If there was extra silver, Brother Zhang would have said it earlier.Let's wait for Sheng'er to ask Uncle Zhang, he was the one who set it up.

Old Yetou was full of big oxen, and didn't pay attention to what they said. When the two sons looked over, he realized belatedly, oh, I didn't take it to heart just now, but I listened to it .

"I don't need to bother my eldest nephew about buying an iron plow, let the two brothers buy it, just in time to drive the car back and forth to practice."

"Okay then, I'll take my leave."

"Brother Zhang, walk slowly."

Zhang Tieniu didn't say any more polite words, he greeted him briskly, and left by himself.

No one chased it away, the big yellow ox stood obediently without moving, gnawed on the grass by the roadside with its head down, and flicked its tail leisurely, honest and cute.

Old Yetou couldn't get enough of the rarity, and now that there were no outsiders present, he couldn't help laughing, "Our family also has a bullock cart! Dad is so happy!"

While talking, he patted the back of the big yellow cow and couldn't put it down, "Old man, you will be a family with us from now on!"

"Father's words are too funny, it's not human!"

Ye Laiyin grinned happily.

"Hmph, it is a human being in my heart, and whoever dares to praise it, I will not obey!"

As soon as the words fell, I couldn't help laughing happily.

Hey, Lao Yetou, this iceberg, sometimes laughs and jokes, see you soon~
(End of this chapter)

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