The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 346 How Did Wang Harm Her?

Chapter 346 How Did Wang Harm Her?
There was wine at home, and since his father was happy, Ye Laiyin didn't hide it, and whispered directly to Mrs. Wang, "Go get the jar of wine."


"Second, do you really have wine?"

Although the voice was low, everyone heard it. Lao Yetou's old eyes lit up, he was a little excited, and he was able to drink a little wine again, which was great~
Ye Laicai, who had been bowing his head, raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, there are many good things in the second brother's house?

The first family has money to buy cattle, and the second family has money to buy wine. How much money is there for co-authoring their private house?
Why can they have private money, and he will be beaten if he saves some money?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Ye Laicai felt his anger was burning, and he wanted to vent his anger, but his father was not facing him now, so he didn't dare to do anything for a while, he just clenched his fists in hatred and gritted his teeth secretly.

The three old Ye Touye were happily waiting for the wine, and did not pay attention to Ye Laicai, but Ye Xusheng noticed the strangeness in him, his eyes flashed, and he guessed seven or eight points~
Wang's movements were very fast, and it took 5 minutes to go back and forth.

Ye Laiyin took the wine and opened the wine seal, lay down on the mouth of the jar and inhaled, and said with a smile, "It's not as strong as yesterday."

"It's good if you can drink it well, come, come, fill it up!"

"Haha, Dad, let's drink less, and drink it at night."

"Boss is right, there are things to do in the second half of the day, don't get drunk, half a glass."

The masters are in a very good mood, and Lao Yetou is even more delighted.

"Well, the chili fried by the second family is really delicious. It's so hot that I'm sweating."

"Father is right, drinking wine and eating chili is really enjoyable!"

Old Qian and the others ate shredded potatoes, and fried peppers for a few old men to serve as food and drink.

Ye Laiyin took out another jar of wine, Lao Qian and Ye Guihua couldn't help but glanced at it several times, but they saw that Lao Yetou was happy and didn't dare to spoil his interest.

Old Yetou is really happy. His grandson buys cattle for him, and his granddaughter buys wine for him. Even if the money he earns is not handed over, he still spends it at home. He is a good boy who is filial and sensible.

In the entire Ye Family Village, which family's children have such abilities?

No one is unhappy~
He is not heartless, no matter how hard his heart is, there will always be times when it will be warmed up. Being treated so filially, his heart softens first.

Besides, drinking the wine bought by others on his mouth, as the so-called cannibalism, he has the nerve to criticize others.

The three of you drank some wine and chatted enthusiastically, the atmosphere in the main room was unprecedentedly high~
The rest of the non-drinkers ate in silence without making a sound.

"The cooking skills of the second family are getting better and better."

Old Yetou ate happily, drank to his heart's content, and was in a beautiful mood. It was rare for him to compliment him kindly.

Wang Shi was immediately flattered, raised her head and was about to speak, when a sharp voice came, "Wang Shi, you bastard, are you jealous that I am pregnant, and you are trying to harm me!"

The burlap curtain was lifted suddenly, and Xiao Qian was about to rush towards Wang with her red eyes. She had just poured cold water, and her body was also wet.

The coat and inner coat were wet all over, and Xiao Qian took off her body vigorously, her body was icy cold, which made her shiver.

Angry and annoyed, he suffocated his anger, and hurriedly found the clothes on his body, thinking that he would find trouble with Mrs. Wang.

Hearing Xiaoqian's scolding voice, Wang was taken aback. He didn't understand what happened, and was in a daze.

Ye Laiyin reacted very quickly, and when Xiao Qian's claws were about to reach Wang's face, Ye Laiyin grabbed them firmly with quick eyes and hands, "What are you going to do?"

"Bitch! Bitch!"

Mrs. Xiaoqian struggled to beat Mrs. Wang. When her hands were caught, she moved her feet, and when she raised her legs, she was about to kick her.

Seeing her go crazy, Ye Laijin's good mood dissipated in an instant, and he was so angry that the veins in his hands popped out. He stood up and grabbed Xiaoqian's back collar to drag him out.

Ye Laiyin let go of the situation, but said in a deep voice, "Brother, let her tell me why Mrs. Wang harmed her? Make it clear."

 Friends, please support me~
(End of this chapter)

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