Chapter 355

No matter what Ye Xuebing's attitude was, his words sounded like a clap of thunder on the ground, blowing everyone up stupid!

Big scalper!
That house bought a big yellow ox, and everyone was stunned, a little unbelievable, even the Guan family and the village chief's house didn't have such a huge monster, so why should there be that house?

How much silver does a cow get?
How could they afford it?
Ye Laibao was the first to ask the question, frowning suspiciously, "Where did you hear that? You must have heard it wrong, right?"

Seeing that the uncle didn't believe him, Ye Xuebing became anxious immediately, "I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. The grandfather said that the cow belonged to his family. If the uncle doesn't believe me, I'll go to the river with me to have a look."

His appearance cannot be faked, and there is no need to fake it, Ye Laibao and Ye Duobao looked at each other, it seems that this matter is true.

"Father, should we go and see?"

"Father, that's the silver left by my grandfather. Uncle took it all, isn't it too much?"


Ye Dahai remained silent with a livid face.

His intuition told him that the money to buy the cow was definitely not left by his father. If his father had left so much money, would his elder brother have to wait until now to buy it?

Doesn't his elder brother know how to save labor by buying cattle and plowing the fields?

The two families have the same amount of land, but the eldest brother's family has only three fathers working, and the three of them turned over twelve acres of land with hoes. Doesn't he feel tired?If there was money to buy cattle, I would have bought it long ago...

Could it be that he just made a fortune?

Ye Dahai's mind is numb, and his brain turns a little slowly.

Two sons and three grandsons were arguing around his ears, and Ye Dahai felt as if he was surrounded by a group of flies, buzzing and buzzing, making his head hurt from the noise!
"shut up!"

The pain in his head was unbearable, Ye Dahai yelled violently with a dark face, the noisy voice stopped abruptly, and he became quiet strangely~
Finally calmed down, Ye Dahai's stuck mind cleared up again, and he started spinning quickly.

If it is said that his eldest brother just made a fortune, how did he make it?
A cow is not cheap, it cannot be bought for two or three silver.

Suddenly thinking of something, Ye Dahai widened his eyes, "Could it be that they dug ginseng from the mountain?"

"Father, do you mean that the money for buying the cow was not left by the master? But how can it be so easy to dig out ginseng? Even doctors who know medicine are hard to find."

Ye Duobao's brain turned quickly, and as soon as his father finished speaking, he thought of an idea.

That's right, there is no one in his elder brother's family who understands medicine!
What did the group of people do on the mountain?

Thinking about his son's words, the more Ye Dahai thought about it, the more reasonable he felt. If it is to dig ginseng, would it take so many people, big and small?Besides, that group of people had bamboo baskets and baskets on their backs, and they took a lot of belongings. They did not dig radishes for digging ginseng, so how could they be packed in bamboo baskets?

Ye Dahai was puzzled, his brows were wrinkled, and his head was about to break~
The two sons and the grandson clamored that they had to make a fuss, but Ye Dahai directly vetoed it. If there is no evidence and no certainty, it would be unreasonable to make a fuss if they found someone's door.

Although it suppressed the noise of his children and grandchildren, the resentment and resentment in Ye Dahai's heart drowned him like a tide, and he felt like drowning, which made him almost out of breath~
Brother Ye Laijin is busy building a simple cowshed, which will be used for the time being, and will be ready to be built when the wheat is planted and there is free time.

To build a cowshed, you need to use pillars to bury the piles. The three brothers pushed the cart to the back mountain and cut down a few straight trees.

The cowshed is not used much, and there are still some trees that have been felled. Ye Laiyin squatted on the ground and looked through them, picking and picking. He chose two that looked harder, and directly ordered Ye Laicai to make four logs. Shelves, each can hold three layers of things, too high is not convenient for girls.

(End of this chapter)

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