The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 358 Instantly felt that my aura was 2 meters

Chapter 358 Instantly felt that my aura was [-] meters

After chatting and joking for a while, Mrs. Liu said it was getting late and it was time to go back, and she led Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan to leave together, and Mrs. Wang talked and smiled to see them off.

When a few people turned the corner of the house, they heard the commotion and commotion in the front yard. Mrs. Wang was a little surprised, "There seems to be a lot of people in the house."

Mrs. Liu's mind turned quickly, and she said with a smile, "I must have come to see the cattle."

Sure enough, when I turned into the front yard, I saw circle after circle of people under the poplar tree on the east wall, old and young, men and women, all staring at the big yellow ox in one direction, chattering all over the place. They were discussing, and the noise was more lively than in the market.

Even the children who had always only stood at the door entered the yard, some squeezed into the crowd to watch the fight, some chased and frolicked in the yard, all of them were as excited as if they were celebrating a festival.

what's the situation?
He Xiner was a little tongue-tied, could it be that the whole village came?

"Oh, I still want to feed the cows and have fun, but it seems that it won't work."

Ye Yuanyuan pouted her small mouth a little disappointed.

"That is, I just bought it back. Let's take a look at it. How can it be like this every day?"

"Cuizhi is right, it's the same if you feed her tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Hehe, it would be better if you took care of feeding the cows!"

"Hey, you bad girl is teasing me again, if you want me to do it, take the cow to my house!"

"Oh, okay, I have no objection, you can discuss it with my grandma."

"Let's go, go, if you don't talk to the bad girl, you will know to be angry with me!"

Ye Yuanyuan stomped her feet and ignored He Xiner, she dragged Guan Cuizhi and ran away.

Mrs. Liu said hello with a smile and left.

Wang nodded He Xiner's forehead, "Naughty!"

"Hey, just kidding."

He Xiner was going to help with the cooking, but was stopped by Mrs. Wang, "You are not feeling well, go back to the house and rest, mother is ready, and it will be done very quickly."

It's just that she has a fever, but it's already gone, how could He Xiner stay in the house, her mother didn't need to help, she just stood in the yard and watched the excitement.

She didn't know a group of children, and besides, they were all brats, and she couldn't play with them, so it was interesting to watch them fight from a distance.

There were so many people, He Xiner glanced around, but she didn't see her master, but she could hear someone talking to him, "Uncle, this cow got a lot of money, right?"

"Brother Dahe, you have done such a big thing so quietly, it is really impressive."

"Oh, the village chief can speak, we old men don't say 'respect', haha!"

A group of men laughed loudly, but it was lively.

He Xiner grinned, since the village chief is here, her father will definitely feel honored, but he wonders if her grandma is still making trouble?
The burlap curtain of the main room was raised, and old Qian came out together with a dozen or so old ladies.

Hey, her milk really doesn't talk about it~
The farmyard is huge, and He Xiner stood far away from the gate, and there were so many people in the yard, she couldn't hear what a group of old ladies were saying, and she couldn't even see the expression on her baby's face.

However, the old lady's nostrils were up in the sky, and He Xiner could feel it even though she was so far away, and she couldn't help but find it funny. She's so proud now, isn't it time to jump back and forth?

Old Qian was wearing brand-new clothes and a brand-new hairpin on his head, and instantly felt that he was [-] meters tall!
Consciously being more than a step higher than the group of veterans around me!
If he hadn't heard them speak well, old Qian would have paid them no heed!
It is said that people become mature with age, these old ladies are also in their tens of years old, but they are not only old, but also have a good heart, seeing old Qian's face full of disdain, they don't take them seriously , as if they are shameful and dirty things, how can you not be angry?

 Guys, vote for it!

  Reed is here, thank you all~~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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