The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 366 She Has Never Seen Such A Ferocious Person

Chapter 366 She Has Never Seen Such A Ferocious Person
He Xiner didn't say a word and let her pull her. She staggered and managed to keep up with the old Ma's speed. Knowing that the big brother was following behind, she was not afraid.

After scolding her a hundred times and a thousand times in her heart, Grandma Dead Wolf actually wanted to kill her!
Damn old godmother, why is your heart so dark?
Isn’t my family just buying a cow, you want to kill people, if you buy a horse, you still want to set fire to it?
It's just that what does Grandma Wolf mean by Hei Ye?
She had never heard of this person, and wondered if the big cousin had.

No, she couldn't figure it out. Even if an old lady from a peasant family, the most ordinary country woman, had bad intentions because of some old things, she would still think it was the worst thing to do and sell her secretly, but she How can you think of murder?
Killing her, what good is the dead wolf grandma?
When she was studying, her books praised farmers for being hardworking and simple, praising them for their kindness and simplicity, their selfless contribution to society, and worthy of everyone's respect.

After receiving so many years of education, these thoughts are deeply rooted in my bones.

Besides, she herself was born in a rural area, and all the old people she knew were kind and kind, and the juniors also sincerely respected them.

She had never seen such a ferocious and vicious person!

Originally, she thought that the life of the rural people in this era is hard, and it is understandable to care about everything for a little profit. Who told them to be poor?

It turned out that she was wrong, she took it for granted!
Jiang Jiang was just curious about what kind of second grandma she was, how she suddenly played tricks on her without scolding or grabbing her, so she...

It's hard to say!
In He Xiner's heart, there were ten thousand muddy horses running past!
Lie down and play big!
She just wanted to wait for the hall brother at the door, but now she is going to die?

Ye Xusheng followed behind unhurriedly, and his immature handsome face was dark and gloomy, his eyes seemed to hide the ice of thousands of years, and his piercing cold eyes shot straight at old Ma Shi. If eyes can kill, old Ma I'm afraid Mrs. Ma's corpse has already been broken into thousands of pieces!

It's just that the old Ma's emotions are out of control now, his heart is in a panic, he just keeps his head down and rushes on his way, how can he expect that someone will follow behind?

Old Ma held onto He Xiner's arm tightly and walked fast and anxiously. Most people in the village were at Ye Dahe's house, so she was not afraid of He Xiner's shouting at all. There will be no one at this hour, and it is even more impossible to meet anyone today.

For a moment, old Qian thought about eight taels of silver, and was extremely excited; for a moment, he thought about how to do it, and was a little flustered; after all, there was a big difference between taking someone's life by himself and pushing him into the river to drown.

After all, she is an ordinary country old lady, and she is not a professional killer. No matter how ruthless she is, she will tremble and panic when it comes time to kill someone!
It didn't take much time to go up the mountain. Old Ma dragged He Xiner to a dense bush before stopping. He took a few breaths before giving He Xiner a fierce look. "If you listened to my advice and stole your grandma's money, I would let you live for two more days, but if you are disobedient, then you can't blame me!"

He Xiner glanced at her expressionlessly, and sighed inwardly, not knowing whether to call her cruel or stupid...

Didn't you find that she was very cooperative?

How many people will be so calm when they hear that others are going to kill themselves?

Facing He Xiner who didn't say a word, Mrs. Ma suddenly felt hesitant to let go. It was definitely not because she was soft-hearted, but because she suddenly found that He Xiner was quite good-looking.

If you sell the person to a brothel, it must be worth a lot of money. Then tell Master Hei that you pushed the person into the mountains, and you can get back eight taels of silver. It is really a good deal to earn two shares of silver. !

Anyway, there will never be such a person in the Ye Family Village in the future, and Master Hei didn't say that he wants to see the dead body, so she can always fool her...

(End of this chapter)

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