The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 369 Should we build a house?

Chapter 369 Should we build a house?
It was night now, the moon quietly climbed up the treetops, and the clear light illuminated the night, and the grass on the side of the road could be seen clearly.

Ye Xusheng squatted on the ground, "Come on, brother, run fast!"

It's really getting late, so in order to avoid suspicion, let's go faster.

He Xiner was not polite to him, she climbed directly onto Ye Xusheng's back, hugged his neck tightly, and still pouted and acted like a baby, "I want to greet the big brother, but the old godmother misses him." I almost scared the baby to death..."

Ye Xusheng...

To be honest, he didn't see that she was afraid at all, he only saw her having a good time, if it wasn't for the murderous intention of the old Ma later, she didn't know how long she would have played~
At first, Ye Xusheng and He Xiner had the same thoughts, they only thought that Mrs. Ma was jealous that his family bought a cow to cause trouble, and seeing that she didn't come to the house in a rampage, he also wanted to see what she was going to do.

Hearing that Mrs. Ma threatened He Xiner to steal his grandma's money, although he was not ashamed, he didn't care much. An old lady who wanted to take advantage of her was nothing more than doing some sneaky things.

Who would have thought that the ordinary old lady in his eyes would actually have murderous intentions!
What black master is involved!
Ye Xusheng was taken aback, and a turbulent wave was set off in his heart. Suddenly, the alarm bell rang out, and he hid first to be cautious, and wanted to see if the old Ma Shi could help~
At the same time, his mind was running fast, and he thought about everything related to Ma Shi.

It's strange that Mrs. Ma was going around his house that day, did she have bad intentions at that time?
And Xin'er fell into the water, was it her fault?
The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Ye Xusheng was annoyed at his own carelessness at the same time. He was angry and hated at the same time. No matter who he was, who wanted to harm Xin'er, he was his sworn enemy!

Ye Xusheng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, he was extremely cold, and his body tensed up reflexively.

"Big brother, what's the matter?"

Feeling the stiffness of his body, He Xiner called him in bewilderment.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xusheng calmed down, and said in a warm voice, "It's nothing."

"By the way, Xin'er, big brother has to deal with things tonight, so I can't watch the moon with you."

"Well, it's okay, let's go to Sapphire Lake when the next moon is full!"

"it is good"

"Hey, when will third uncle leave? I can't even go to your room to play when he's at home. It's so boring at night!"

Ye Laicai was not used to being at home, not only He Xiner was not used to it, but Ye Xusheng was also very uncomfortable. Without Xiner's company, reading alone became boring.

Immediately, Ye Xusheng thought about it seriously, should he build a house?
It's just that he doesn't have any money right now, and building a house can't be done in a day or two, so he didn't tell He Xiner what he thought.

He just said, "The third uncle only stayed at home for one night last year, and I don't know why he is not in a hurry to leave now."

"Oh, it's boring, I have nothing to do at night, I can only wash and sleep..."

"I was going to tell you, but I almost forgot, you are not in good health yet, you can't catch a cold anymore, just be patient for a while."

"No, it's so uncomfortable not to take a bath~"

He Xiner is not a person who doesn't listen to advice, but she sweats all over during the day, and she really can't stand not taking a bath!

"It will get colder and colder in the future. If you have to scrub, you will easily catch cold. Why don't you buy a big bathtub, fill it with hot water, and soak in it to be warmer."

"Huh? That's a good idea! Haha..."

He Xiner laughed out of joy, Ye Xusheng also grinned lightly.

"By the way, big brother, shouldn't the secret recipe for making beggar chicken be more rigorous? It seems unreliable to pick up some seasonings like I did before. Hmm, should I buy a scale?"

"Then go to the fair next time and buy a pair."

"Okay. I still need to buy more alkaline noodles, adjust several different concentrations, and experiment to find a suitable ratio."

"I listen to you."

"Haha, big hall brother, you are so kind!"

(End of this chapter)

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