The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 371 The Food Bought by the Second House Cannot Be Swallowed by the Old Wife

Chapter 371 The food bought by the second room must not be swallowed by the old woman

After all, old Qian didn't dare to confront Lao Ye, so he gave Wang a unwilling look, and sat down to eat with a sullen old face.

Pingning Town is located in the north of the Ming Dynasty. The people here have never grown rice for generations. The main crops are wheat and corn. If they want to eat rice, they can only buy it at the grain store with silver. The price of rice is twice as high as that of wheat.

How can people in the countryside be willing to buy fine grains like white rice?
Lao Ye's family was also reluctant to spend money on white rice, this was the first time Lao Ye's family had rice porridge.

The smell of white porridge had already hooked the glutton in Lao Yetou's belly, he was impatient to wait for Lao Qian, but she was still thinking about good things unconsciously, and wanted to occupy the white rice.

There are a few fancy intestines in her stomach, and Lao Yetou knows it clearly, to put it bluntly, as long as she lifts her buttocks, Lao Yetou will know what she is going to fart!

snort!If you want to eat alone, there is no door!
He saw that the food was very good in the second room, and he was very satisfied with making it for the whole family to eat together.

When Old Qian scooped up the porridge, everyone took their spoons to scoop up a bowl of porridge and started drinking.

For a while, no one spoke, only the sound of drinking porridge.

Ye Xusheng entered the room quietly, scooped up a bowl of white rice porridge, took a small plate with a few chopsticks to fry cabbage, took a pancake, put a pair of chopsticks on the bowl, and went to give it to his mother with both hands. deliver.

He Xiner quickly stood up and helped him lift up the hemp door curtain. Ye Xusheng nodded slightly and did not speak.

Although Lao Yetou punished Xiaoqian for firing alone, but the eldest grandson wanted to deliver food to his mother, he still wanted to save face, and he didn't open his mouth to stop him.

Besides, he doesn't have time to think about those bad things now, he is enjoying the white rice porridge~
Mrs. Wang thought that her daughter was sick and had no appetite, so she was very attentive when making the porridge. After washing the rice and adding half a pot of water, she first boiled the pot with hard firewood, then took out the hard firewood, and only used thin firewood to cook the porridge. The fire simmers.

Because it was the first time to cook white rice porridge, Mrs. Wang was extra careful, fearing that the food would be burnt and spoiled, so she would stir it gently with a spoon a few times until the gurgling rice porridge became thicker and more fragrant. The whole kitchen was full before Wang turned on the fire. He was afraid that it would be cold when it was served, so he still put it in the pot to simmer, and it was still boiling hot when the rice was cooked.

I wasted some time just now, the white porridge has been warmed up, and it is just right to eat it lukewarm, the big guy silently filled the porridge and drank it, after all, fried cabbage and pancakes can be eaten every day, there is nothing rare, or White porridge is rare.

The warm porridge is thick, glutinous, soft and sweet. The mouth is lubricated and the rice fragrance is rich. After drinking a full mouthful, the internal organs are moisturized, satisfying and comfortable~
Old Yetou drank comfortably, feeling happy in his heart, the folds on his old face relaxed a bit, and he made up his mind that the food bought by Erfang must not be swallowed by the old lady!
Everyone drank happily, even the old Mrs. Qian concentrated on drinking and put aside his calculations for the time being.

Mrs. Wang cooked enough, everyone drank two bowls in a row, and they were all satisfied. Although they didn't speak in silence, the atmosphere improved unknowingly.

After dinner quietly, He Xiner helped her mother clean up, and Ye Xusheng also helped carry the bowl to the backyard.

It was already late at night, and the bright white moonlight filled every corner, and the yard was brighter than the house with oil lamps on.

Putting down the things, Mrs. Wang chased the two of them, "The wind is starting to cool, you both go back to the house, so as not to blow."


He Xin'er obediently agreed, and just as she was about to leave, Wang called her back, "Xin'er, don't go to sleep, mother will cook the medicine later, drink it before going to bed."

He Xiner quickly pulled down her small face, limp like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

The pitiful little appearance, not to mention how distressing it is, but Ye Xusheng knew her temperament, and the naughty child started to make trouble again!
A smile flashed across Ye Xusheng's clear eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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