The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 378 Do you still tie a bow?

Chapter 378 Do you still tie a bow?

The morning sun shone through the thin clouds, shining on the earth and filling the entire farmyard.

Ye Xusheng looked at He Xin'er softly, the bright sunshine hit her face, the small fluff on her palm-sized face could be seen clearly, it was as delicate as a fresh and delicious peach, he suddenly wanted to touch her touch……

"Big brother?"

Seeing Ye Xusheng in a daze, He Xiner mischievously stretched out her little hand and shook it in front of his eyes.


Ye Xusheng came back to his senses in an instant, coughed unnaturally, and then said with a smile, "It's cool in the morning, you wait indoors, brother will bring you hot water."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for He Xiner to reply, she strode out of the west courtyard quickly.

Leave He Xiner with a confused face~
The reason why Ye Xusheng walked fast was because he wanted to go back and change his clothes.

Another reason was that he suddenly felt uncomfortable and awkward.From the bottom of my heart, I don't want He Xiner's loose hair to be seen by others.

In the past, there were only his grandfather, his father, his second uncle and a few other men at home, all of them were his own, and Xin'er was still a child, so there was nothing wrong with being casual.

But now that the third uncle is at home, even though he is an elder, he is only two years older than him and has not yet married. Subconsciously, he doesn't want the third uncle to see Xin'er not groomed at all...

After he got out of the Xikuan courtyard, he slowed down his pace, and exhaled lightly, feeling disgusted with himself for a moment, what are the generals doing awkwardly?

Shaking his head, Xin'er is still waiting for him, forget it, don't think about it~
Going back to the house quickly, his third uncle was still sound asleep, Ye Xusheng quickly changed his clothes without waking Ye Laicai.

In the backyard, Mrs. Wang had already boiled hot water and was about to pick vegetables in the vegetable garden. Seeing Ye Xusheng approaching, she smiled and said, "The hot water is in the pot."

"Eh, I see."

Wang smiled and walked out of the backyard.

The whole backyard was quiet, Ye Xusheng washed himself first, then took a ladle to fill the warm water, and went directly to the Xikuan courtyard.

"Xin'er, the water is here"

"Thank you big brother."

Ye Xusheng poured some water into a wooden basin, and poured some into a bamboo tube, and handed it to He Xiner. He Xiner took it, first yawned lazily, and then muttered, "Next time I go to town, the lobby brother will help you." I thought, I'm going to buy a drinking cup."

"Well, it's time to buy one, don't worry, I will remember."

"Brother lobby is so nice~"

He Xiner smiled sweetly, and took the toothbrush handed over by Ye Xusheng.

In the near future, she took out the washing things from the kang cabinet and put them on the top of the kang. Ye Xusheng put the ladle upside down on the top of the kang, and naturally helped her sprinkle tooth powder on the toothbrush before handing it to her.

He Xiner brushed her teeth unhurriedly, washed her face again, took the handkerchief Ye Xusheng handed over to wipe off the water on her face, and said with a smile, "Brother Datang, comb my hair."

"Wipe the fat on the face first, and be careful of chapped face."

"Big brother wipe it for me, I can't wipe it evenly by myself."

Looking up at Ye Xusheng with a smile on her head, He Xiner was not at all embarrassed to point out the big brother.

She's training the hall brother, so let him learn to serve girls now, and when the hall sister-in-law comes into the house in the future, she will know that her husband is so careful and thoughtful, how happy she is!

Hehe, she didn't say anything, she just likes the feeling of being pampered by her brother!

Naturally, Ye Xusheng did not disobey her. He gently smoothed her face and combed her hair with a jade comb. After looking around, he was very upright, so he nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile, " Do you still have a bow tie?"

"No, it's not easy to work, so wait until you go to town."

"it is good"

Speaking of going to the town, He Xiner was very happy, her eyebrows crooked with a smile, "When the time comes, brother, remember to call me early, and help me comb my hair and put on makeup. I want to wear the new clothes made by Aunt Liu, dressed beautifully and harmoniously." Cuizhi and Yuanyuan go shopping, oh, just thinking about it makes me happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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