Chapter 385 What happened?

In the second room, Ye Duobao and Li just woke up, looking at the window wondering, it's getting late, why didn't his mother curse?

He also heard the general Ye Laibao's voice, although he couldn't hear it very clearly, but he could also hear the abnormal tone, Ye Duobao jumped up from the kang with a shiver, "It seems that something happened!"

Undoubtedly, Mrs. Li was urged by him to put on her clothes and get off the kang.

My heart was a little unhappy, and just as I was about to say something, Mrs. Zhang slammed on the door outside, startling both of them suddenly, "Here we come! We come!"

Before the door was opened, Mrs. Zhang shouted, "Hurry up, your elder brother's voice has changed in the main room!"

Ye Duobao was more courageous, and didn't hesitate when he saw something had happened, he opened the door and ran into the main room. Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Li were a little flustered. The main room was as terrifying as a flood. No one dared to move forward.

Just as the two looked at each other, Ye Duobao's screams came out, and the two were even more dumbfounded, trembling and not knowing what to do.

The three Ye Xuewen brothers live in Dongkua Courtyard. Farmers have a large yard, and Dongkua Courtyard is a little far away from the main room. If you shout loudly in the main room, you can't hear them in Dongkua Courtyard.

It so happened that the brothers also got up, and as soon as they opened the door, they heard Ye Duobao's shrill cry. The voice was shrill and high-pitched, revealing endless miserable horror!
"What happened?"

"Go! Go and see!"

The three and a half young men were not afraid, they ran into the main room without saying a word, turned into the front yard and saw Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Li standing far away from the main room, shivering.

"Mom, what happened?"

Before Ye Xuewen ran to him, he asked loudly.

"No, I don't know! Go in and have a look..."

Seeing the energetic son running towards her, Zhang's flustered heart suddenly became more at ease, and he became more courageous. He directly pulled Li and said, "The masters have all gone in, let's go and have a look."

It's not a problem to be outside all the time, and there is no more terrible movement in the main room. Li Shi felt relieved a lot and stabilized his emotions. The two entered the main room together. He rushed towards his face with such a rage that it made people feel sick!
Zhang Shi and Li Shi changed their faces in unison!

The room was quiet and there was no movement at all. The two looked at each other, took courage, and moved to a few gentlemen, who all formed a circle in a circle as if they were stupid and didn't say a word.

Mrs. Zhang raised her toes and looked in from behind her son, "Ah! Ah! Blood! Blood! Ah..."

Before the sound fell, the person was about to run out, and stepped on Mrs. Li's foot in a panic, the two of them hit the ground and rolled into a ball, becoming more and more panicked, unable to care about anything, the two rolled and crawled Leaving the main room, I just ran into the yard and ran into Ye Meihua who rushed over from the west yard and Ye Xing'er from the big room...

"Blood! Blood!"

Ye Meihua immediately turned pale with fright, and Ye Xing'er was even more frightened, she jumped up and jumped into her mother's arms as if she had stepped on a thunder, "Mom, I'm afraid..."

Ye Dahai just lost too much blood and lost his strength and passed out. Ye Xusheng was still very measured in his actions, saying that he didn't want his life, so he gave him a sigh of relief.

Even if he can't walk or talk in the future, lest he try to play tricks and harm Xin'er.

As the eldest son, Ye Laibao has to stand up and take charge of the overall situation no matter how afraid he is...

After being flustered for a while, he realized that his father was not dead. He breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down and ordered his son to go to the village chief, and his nephew to invite Dr. Liu.

At noon, the old Ma disappeared, and the news that Ye Dahai had his tongue cut out and his tendons picked spread throughout Yejia Village. For a while, people were panicked~
(End of this chapter)

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