The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 394 Everyone's Wings Are Stiff

Chapter 394 Everyone's Wings Are Stiff

If the person in front of her was not her mother, Ye Guihua would have given her a slap in the face!
"The money in the second girl's hand! Elder brother and second brother dare not keep private money, why doesn't the second girl hand over the money in her hand to mother?"

"So you said this, it's because I don't want it, it's because your father stopped him, saying that the little girl sold a few wild fruits to get a little money, and also said that the money earned by the second girl was not hidden, and it was all given to the family. Bought something. Don’t let me ask her for money.”

"Even her father's wages have to be handed over, why can't the girl pay? My father is old-fashioned, right?"

Although the second girl bought clothes for her, she was very happy, and she also enjoyed eating the rice noodles she bought, but when she thought that the girl had money in her hand and could make her own decisions, she could buy whatever she wanted, so she couldn't bear it. Can't stop being jealous.

As a nun, she hasn't lived such a prosperous life yet, so why does that girl spend her money so happily?

It doesn't matter if she sells fruit or something, she should hand in all the money she makes!
As long as the silver is in her mother's hands, isn't it the same as hers?
At that time, you still need to wait for the dead girl to buy this or that?
With money, what can she want to buy?
Well, she wants to buy new clothes, not the ones she made herself, she wants to buy ready-made clothes from the embroidery shop, the ones with a lot of beautiful embroidery, and she also needs to buy a lot of jewelry, so she doesn't want hairpins made of wood~
Thinking of this, Ye Guihua looked down on her mother even more, and the dead girl used a wooden hairpin to coax her into her heart, and she didn't even know how to get money!

She doesn't care about that kind of broken wood!

She wants to buy silver or gold, whatever is expensive!
She also needs to buy embroidered shoes, silk handkerchiefs, rouge and gouache, and...

Ye Guihua fell into her imagination, she was so beautiful that she was about to float~
"What nonsense are you talking about? How could you say that about your father?"

She was happily thinking about shopping, but was suddenly interrupted by her mother, Ye Guihua frowned in annoyance.

"Am I right? I think Dad was bought by a dead girl with two jars of cat urine, and he didn't even know the money!"

"Hey, the more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes!"

Although he reprimanded his daughter in his mouth, he agreed with her words in his heart. Didn't the old man be bought by cat urine?
Obviously there is no separation, regardless of whether she belongs to the son or the granddaughter, if she has money, she should give it to the old lady!

Instigated by Ye Guihua, old Qian's mind that had rested came alive again.

"Mother, think about it for yourself. In the past, you didn't dare to keep a single word of the salary earned by the eldest brother and the second brother, and handed it all to mother. How powerful mother was back then!

If you look at the present, the big house has money to buy cattle, and there was no wind at all before, isn't it because you are afraid that your mother will disagree?

The second room is almost the same, I have money and don't want to hand it over, and I buy this or that privately, how can I put my mother in my eyes? "

Following Ye Guihua's words, old Qian's old face kept changing. He was angry and angry for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The girl was right, there was no good thing, all the money was hidden and not handed over, even shopping. Didn't even say a word to her.

Everyone's wings are hardened, and everyone doesn't pay attention to my old lady!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ye Guihua successfully made old Qian so angry that she didn't even bother to make new clothes. She rolled her cloudy yellow eyes and racked her brains to think of ways to grab money.



"Didn't dad not let you ask for the second girl's money?"

"Yeah, am I worried about this?"

Old Qian didn't know what the girl was going to say, so he looked at her puzzled.

"Since Dad said that you are not allowed to ask for the second girl's money, let's not."


"No, girl, you didn't say that..."

 Guys, please vote for it~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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