The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 409 You Came to Eat Wontons?

Chapter 409 You Came to Eat Wontons?
The two went to Yuanyuan's house first. As agreed yesterday, the big brother Mancang accompanied them to the town. When they went, both brothers and sisters were ready.

As soon as He Xiner knocked, Bai's voice came from inside, "Here we come"

Immediately, there was a sound of footsteps coming from inside, which sounded like several people.

Somewhat surprised, He Xiner took a step back, put her head on her toes and looked into the yard. It was just dawn and she could clearly see everything in the yard.

It turned out that all four members of Yuanyuan's family were dispatched, no wonder there was such a big commotion.

The wooden door opened, and Bai Shi walked in front with a smile on his face, Ye Shitian also grinned with joy, let alone Ye Yuanyuan, when he saw He Xiner, he jumped and jumped at her, "Why is the little girl so beautiful?"

In the family of four, only Ye Mancang yawned constantly.

Not caring about the fun, He Xiner and Ye Xusheng hurriedly called people to say hello, Bai Shi and Ye Shitian were as happy as if they had won a big ingot, and kept their mouths locked together.

In fact, it is similar to getting Yuanbao. You will get the white money soon, can you not be happy?
Mrs. Bai couldn't help exhorting a few words to be careful, and everyone agreed and waved goodbye.

They also picked up Cuizhi, and said hello and farewell to Mrs. Liu. The five of them were afraid that they would not be able to catch up with the ox cart, so they all hurried on their way.

"Xusheng, has your land been plowed yet?"

Ye Mancang is so rare about big yellow cattle, he just thinks that one day he will be able to enjoy the addiction of driving a car again, and his heart itch. He hopes that Ye Xusheng's cattle will not be busy, and he can also come to kiss them.

"I heard from my father that the plowing can be finished today."

"Oh, it's such an unfortunate coincidence that if the plowing had been finished one day earlier, we would have been able to drive the ox cart to town today."

"After planting wheat, there are plenty of opportunities to drive cars."

"Hey, I get excited just thinking about it."

Ye Mancang grinned and rubbed his hands excitedly.

Made everyone laugh, Yuanyuan laughed the most, "It's still early, I'm excited now, when will I be excited?"

He Xiner and the others couldn't stop laughing.

"As long as I can drive an ox cart, I can be excited every day."

Everyone laughed more happily~
Talking and laughing, they soon arrived at Dazhai Village, where the bullock carts for soliciting customers were waiting for someone as usual.

Both Cuizhi and Yuanyuan paid their own fares ahead of Ye Xusheng, knowing their brother and sister's temperament, so they didn't pay them.

After waiting for two minutes, the car was full.

The bullock cart walked unhurriedly on the dirt road in the countryside. Due to the poor road conditions, the bullock cart bumped violently, and everyone in the cart was shaken.

So, little girl He Xiner fell asleep like this, and Ye Xusheng, who was watching with his little head shaking, felt uncomfortable for her.

The car was full of people, and Ye Xusheng couldn't hold her in his arms to sleep, so he had to lead He Xiner to lie on the back basket, which was somewhat more comfortable.

The bullock cart was rickety, and Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were soon so sleepy that they couldn't keep their eyes open. In the end, it was really unreliable, and the two of them just leaned together and fell asleep with their eyes closed.

Ye Mancang, who was riding a bullock cart for the first time, couldn't hide his excitement, staring at the cow's buttocks without blinking, oh my mother, this cow is really strong!

Tut, tut, tut...

When they arrived in Pingning Town, the three sleeping girls all woke up, and Ye Mancang was still tsk, tsk.

He Xin'er and the others walked towards the alley of the wonton stall at the same time. Ye Mancang didn't ask where they were going, but just followed behind and looked left and right.

It wasn't until he smelled the aroma that Ye Mancang realized that there was a wonton stall in front of him, and his eyes widened immediately, "Are you here to eat wontons?"

Without waiting for others to answer him, he hurriedly asked Yuanyuan, "How much money did Mother give you?"


Ye Yuanyuan looked wary.

"What can I do? I can't even ask?"

Thinking of his mother's eccentricity, Ye Mancang was in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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