The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 416 Rain is a good thing, but not at this time!

Chapter 416 Rain is a good thing, but not at this time!

Seeing that it was getting late, several people became a little anxious, urging the man who drove the cattle to hurry up and faster.

The man was not unhappy, he responded with a smile, and the whip crackled, but he was not willing to hit the cow.

The ox cart bumped, and He Xiner started to feel drowsy again, until her head was shaking. Ye Xusheng supported her on a sack full of cotton, and let her sleep on her stomach.

In her sleep, He Xin'er felt that her body was soft and warm, um, it was quite comfortable. Could it be that her mother made a new quilt?

Halfway through, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan also fell asleep from sleepiness, leaned against each other, and fell asleep with their eyes closed.

The little girls were sleeping deeply when they were woken up by Ye Mancang's excited voice, "The weather is changing, the weather is changing, it's going to rain! Haha, it's going to rain!"

He Xiner was drowsy, rubbing her eyes and yawning, isn't it going to rain, why is Brother Mancang so happy?

It's going to rain!
After the general reacted, He Xiner's eyes widened in shock and she looked up at the sky, only to see that the sky was covered with dark clouds, covering the sun tightly, and not a single ray of light could come through. The sky was very dark and gloomy. It will submerge the ground and make people look down.

"It was still sunny just now, how can you say that the weather will change when it changes?"

"It's raining, it's raining! The ground is waiting for the rain."

I don't understand why He Xiner is so against the rain, but Ye Mancang is very excited.

"Rain is a good thing, but this is not the time!

This car full of things can't be drenched in the rain, especially this big bag of cotton. If it gets wet by the rain, how can I make a quilt? "

He Xiner was anxious and had no choice but to fly home immediately.

Ye Mancang "..."

Xin'er was right, his new clothes and flour should not get wet, Ye Mancang immediately became anxious, "Brother, can you hurry up?"

"Hey, sit still."

It is said that the man driving the cart is also afraid of being drenched, so he can't care about the cow at the moment, so he hits the cow with a whip and shouts "drive, drive"

Not to mention that this speed is really faster, but He Xiner is still in a hurry.

"Xin'er, don't worry, didn't you buy some coir raincoats? Find them first."

Ye Xusheng didn't want her to be worried, so he comforted her gently.

"Ah, a few coir raincoats are not enough, people can't take care of things."

It was indeed such a thing, but it was useless to be anxious, Ye Xusheng had to comfort her again, "The rain won't last for a while, don't worry, you'll be home soon."


He Xiner nodded, it's useless to be anxious, it's better to let nature take its course.

Everyone bet all their hopes on the cow, hoping that it would run faster and faster, and make sure to get home before it rained.

Maybe God heard the voices of a few people, and couldn't bear to let them drench on the way, so there was no rain all the way, and the few people quickly entered Yejia Village with the cool autumn wind blowing.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because He Xiner had the most things, Ye Xusheng asked the driver to park the ox cart directly at the door of Lao Ye's house.

It was late, and I didn't meet anyone in the village, and Lao Ye's house was quiet, and everyone was resting in the house.

Ye Mancang helped Ye Xusheng move things down, and He Xiner went back to the west wing first to call her dad.

In the room, Mrs. Wang was muttering to Ye Laiyin why the children hadn't come back yet, when He Xiner knocked on the door, the two stood up in surprise and joy.

"Father, mother, hurry up and get something."

As soon as the door opened a crack, He Xiner squeezed in sideways.

"it is good"

Without saying a word, Ye Laiyin strode out, but he was very careful when he landed, trying not to make any noise.

Wang Shi and He Xiner also followed quietly, moving things naturally needs more people to go faster.

(End of this chapter)

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