The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 421 Ouch, I Can Eat Dumplings Again Today!

Chapter 421 Ouch, I Can Eat Dumplings Again Today!

One penny of silver is equal to one hundred copper coins, which is not a small number for the farmers. When old Qian saw the silver, his cloudy old eyes immediately became bright, and he grabbed it in his hand very quickly, so happy that he couldn't open his eyes. .

Seeing that his mother only had money in her heart and didn't even give him a look, Ye Laiyin was indifferent, without hope there would be no disappointment, his mother's temperament did not know for a day or two.

As for the money, he really didn't want to give it, but if his mother didn't get any benefits at all, she didn't need to guess to know that she would definitely torment Xin'er next.

In order for the family to calm down, and for Xin'er to be more leisurely, just give some money, as long as his mother doesn't show any more demon moths, it's worth giving some money.

However, it is limited to this, if you want to occupy them all, it is impossible.

He would rather his daughter do nothing than let her work hard to raise a big family.

With the attitude of the old Yetou and the strength of his son, the old Qian also gave up his domineering thoughts, and felt very pleasantly surprised when he suddenly won a hundred coins.

It's rare that you don't push forward and bargain.

The main reason is that Ye Guihua was not in front of her, and no one provoked her.

His mother finally calmed down, Ye Laiyin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If the two heads of the family are settled, the others will not be able to achieve anything. Besides, Ye Laiyin is really not a timid person.

Even though it was all right, Ye Laiyin went to the backyard in his coir raincoat. He had to help Mrs. Wang carry the scorpion, and the ground was slippery when it rained, so he was worried about Mrs. Wang.

When Ye Xusheng entered the house with his coir raincoat covering Ye Lai's silver-coloured scorpion, the old Qian immediately smelled the smell of white flour dumplings, so excited he stood up and ran over in two or three steps, "It's white flour dumplings! It's really white flour." dumpling!"

Since eating dumplings last time, old Qian has been thinking about it all the time, looking forward to when he can have another delicious meal.

Hey, I can eat dumplings again today!

Immediately, Old Qian felt that the room was going to be warmed by the heat of the dumplings, and his body was no longer cold, so he shouted happily, "Dinner, dinner, dinner..."

So, the whole Lao Ye family ate hot and lively in this cold and humid rainy day.

Especially for Lao Yetou, a mouthful of dumplings and a mouthful of wine is simply bubbling.

He Xiner was a little happy to see that her grandma hadn't made trouble anymore, and it finally subsided, and she no longer had to worry about her money being robbed.

She still has to keep it for her parents.

Although Ye Guihua and Ye Laicai were still very dissatisfied with He Xiner's behavior of saving private money, they just didn't dare to make trouble anymore, and now his father would not listen to them.

Xiaoqian still hid in the east wing and did not dare to go to the main room, and Ye Xusheng took the trouble to give him the meal every time.Seeing that the life of Lao Ye's family is getting better and better, the food is so good that she can't think of it, but she eats so much that she dares to offend her in-laws again.

If you are driven back to your mother's house again, you will never be able to eat these precious foods again~
All in all, Zhang Yu of the old Ye family has reached a superficial harmony, and no longer make noise every now and then.

He Xin'er is in a good mood and has the interest to cook all kinds of food, such as crispy fried pork, pork ribs, and braised pork, until the entire Laoye family eats all of them with rosy complexions. radiant.

Even the old Qian Shi was completely fascinated by her delicacies. He was no longer indifferent and alienated from eight hundred meters away. eat her!
It's okay, it's okay, her grandma hasn't gone crazy to that extent, her fiery eyes are not aimed at her, but asking her what else to eat.

He Xiner suddenly felt a little proud, she knows how to eat a lot!
By the way, grilled chicken!
Among other things, she has to hurry up to cook roast chicken and beggar chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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