The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 445 The big brother is still thoughtful

Chapter 445 The big brother is still thoughtful
"Big brother, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, it's all right."

"Oh, what are you going to say?"

He Xiner was very curious, she frowned lightly, as if she was afraid that she would not hear, she leaned forward with her whole upper body, and almost put her ear to Ye Xusheng's mouth.

Before Ye Xusheng could speak, he couldn't help laughing.

He lightly clenched his fist and put it on his lips and coughed, "Xin'er, I hope you don't buy land, at least you can't show off your wealth until you get the honor. Now that our family has a bullock cart, it's very eye-catching."

He Xiner blinked. It turned out that the big brother was worried that he would attract others' attention when he became rich so suddenly. He couldn't help but think of that weird old Ma Shi. He Xiner had to say that what the big brother said made sense.

Their family is the most ordinary farmer, with no power or power. If they suddenly become rich, the people in the village can say that they will be jealous at most. After all, there are very few people who want to beat and kill like Grandma Wolf.

However, if he was targeted by a big family with an impure heart, he didn't need to be an official, even an ordinary rich man in the town could easily destroy the entire Old Ye family.

Low-key, low-key!

It's still the big brother who is thoughtful!

Originally, it was purely He Xiner's joke that she was the lady of the landlord's family, and she just said it casually.

I didn't see that when she picked a wild fruit, the threshold of the family was almost trampled flat. If people really found out that their family had a sudden windfall, they would have to blow up her house...

Nodding her head, He Xiner fully agreed, "Well, listen to the big brother."

"As long as it's not such big news as buying land and land, everything else is easy to talk about. We can't make money but dare not spend it."

He Xiner readily agreed, and Ye Xusheng felt more and more uncomfortable.

"Hey, I can't wrong myself."

That's right, Ye Xusheng smiled and didn't mention it again.

"Oh, when will Third Uncle leave? It's so boring to read in the house alone."

Rural people go to bed early, but He Xiner is not used to it. Now she has candles in her house, so she doesn't have to touch the dark anymore, and she bought a storybook, but how can two people chat and laugh interestingly when they are alone?
Hearing this, Ye Xusheng was silent for a while, it would be too inconvenient for him to be unable to build a house for a while.

"By the way, don't we have money here? Wouldn't it be enough to build a few more houses?"

It turned out that Ye Xusheng was thinking about something on his mind and didn't open his mouth, but subconsciously handed over the banknote that he hadn't taken out just now to He Xiner's hand.

After receiving the bank note, He Xiner thought of building a house in a flash of thought, and immediately became excited, her big eyes flickered at Ye Xusheng, as if she was afraid that he would disagree~
"Big brother and third uncle are crowded in the same room, and it's inconvenient to study or something. Building a room shouldn't be too conspicuous, right?"

Ye Xusheng didn't speak, but lowered his head and frowned slightly.

"Actually, I also want to build a new house. This house is leaking everywhere. I'm afraid I'll freeze to death in it when it snows."

Not knowing what the big hall brother was thinking, He Xiner continued to follow her own train of thought, but what she thought was a very ordinary sentence was like stabbing a needle into Ye Xusheng's heart, stinging and stinging. painful~
"The west courtyard is so big, should we build it here? Well, five rooms are enough. The lobby brother has three rooms, a reception room, a study room, and a living room. I have two rooms, one reception room, one living room."

The more she thought about it, the happier she became. He Xiner was about to dance, so she didn't pay attention to Ye Xusheng's expression.

"This room will be dedicated to drying fruits in the future. Now that adults help, there are more and more fruits. Thanks to my father, my third uncle has built a few shelves. If not, they will all be spread on the ground. There's nowhere to stand."

(End of this chapter)

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