The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 447 Waiting for the big brother to see if he has a big bag?

Chapter 447 Waiting for the big brother to see if he has a big bag?

He Xiner blinked. The three of her father and brother will always be separated in the future. The uncle should naturally be the main house in the front yard. The lobby brother means that the father and mother should also move to the west yard. The east yard is reserved for the third uncle. mean?

"Oh, it's more convenient for the hall brother to be in the front yard than in the east yard."

"I won't be able to say that for a while."

Ye Xusheng looked at He Xiner gently, "You also earn a lot from picking fruits, so why don't you use the money for now?"

"Then hall brother, save it for me. I'll ask you when I need it."

"it is good."

If it weren't for buying land, building a house and purchasing family property, this money would really not be needed.




He Xiner stared at Ye Xusheng with her big clear eyes, only to see that the big hall brother was blushing unnaturally, and even the tips of his ears seemed to be smeared with rouge.

"Brother Hall, just say whatever you want, what's there to embarrass?"

Ye Xusheng never told her about Ma's pushing He Xiner into the water, he didn't want her to remember those bad things again.

Besides, why did Mrs. Ma push her?There must be a reason.

He didn't even have a clue, so he naturally didn't want to let Xiner be troubled.

What can I do to convince Xiner to learn swimming?
You must know that women in this era did not go down the river...

"Big Brother, Big Brother?"

While stretching out her little hand and shaking it in front of Ye Xusheng's eyes, He Xiner leaned forward and put her little face on Ye Xusheng's face, "What's the matter, Brother Datang?"

He Xiner had never seen Brother Hall look like this before, and He Xiner couldn't stop her anxious expression, "No matter what happens, I will face Brother Hall together, don't hold back!"

Ye Xusheng's person didn't move, he didn't know where his mind was going, until he felt a warm little hand touch his forehead, he suddenly came back to his senses.

Hey, a little face full of anxiety is almost on his face!

Ye Xusheng was shocked, and subconsciously wanted to hide back. He Xiner propped her left hand on the edge of the bed, leaned forward and touched his forehead with her right hand. He retreated, causing He Xiner to lose her balance. She was about to fall, so frightened that she screamed "Ah!"
At this time, Ye Xusheng reacted very quickly, he didn't care if he would lose his balance, he stretched his arms and twisted his body to pick up He Xiner, only to hear a "bang", and the two of them fell on the kang at the same time.

That was the sound of Ye Xusheng's head hitting the kang. Even though he was holding the quilt, the pain made him frown, but he didn't care about the bag on his head, and anxiously asked the person in his arms, "Xin'er is there?" Didn't hit it?"

"Does the hall brother have a headache from knocking?"

One raised his head and the other lowered his head, and then He Xiner's little head hit Ye Xusheng's chin again with a "bang", "Oh, it hurts!"

This time the touch was not light, the pain made He Xiner burst into tears.

Ye Xusheng was lying flat on the kang, and He Xiner was crying in pain as she lay in his arms, her whole body was pressing on him, so he couldn't move around for a while, so he coaxed wildly, "Xiner don't cry, Xin'er doesn't cry, big brother will give you a whir~"

Normally, Xin'er is not a delicate person, she can cry like this, it shows that she is really in pain, Ye Xusheng is distressed and angry, of course he is angry with himself~
He Xiner really wasn't crying, but physical tears, okay?
The sharp pain passed, and although she still felt the buzzing in her head, she could bear it. He Xiner was raising her head to wipe away her tears, when she heard what the big hall brother said to give her a whimper, she immediately laughed, "The big hall brother still thinks I'm A three-year-old kid?"

Stretching out her hands and rubbing her head, she sat up. Although He Xin'er's eyes were still red, she smiled brightly and tried to pull him.

It was useless for her to pull, Ye Xusheng got up quickly, "Show me, where is it?"

"Here, Brother Hall, see if you have a big bag?"

(End of this chapter)

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