The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 456 This chapter is quite subtle

Chapter 456 That's a Subtle Word
Qian Jin was choked up!

How do you tell him to answer this?
You can't admit that the children of his old Qian's family are cowards who dare not go into the mountains, right?
This kind of confession is something that a man has no face to admit.

Qian Dafa's gaze became deeper and deeper. He already knew that no matter what they said about this matter, they would keep their mouths shut.

Didn't people say it?
There are a large group of strong young men in your family, and you are idle at home, how can you have the face to snatch the wild game that a weak scholar finally hunted?
All the old men of the Qian family lost their voices, and there is no way to talk today...

Seeing this, Old Cui became impatient, he was starved to death long ago, and he still resisted to sit here, just hoping that the old men at home could hold onto Old Yetou and get some benefits .

But what's the situation now?
"Boy Sheng is also my nephew of the Qian family, so he should honor us."

Ye Laiyin didn't bother to talk to her, and just looked at his uncle intently.

"Okay, kid Sheng still needs to study, so we can't delay."

"Old man..."

Qian Dafa glanced over, and old Cui had no choice but to stop talking.

After a pause, Qian Dafa brought up the business of selling wild fruits again, and he wanted to stretch his feet no matter what.

Ye Laiyin still said the same thing, Lao Qian's family is Ding Xingwang, and he has several cousins ​​and nieces, and whoever he looks at is more capable than his daughter, so there is no need to covet his daughter.

It's Qian's turn to get angry~
Ignoring his uncle's black face, Ye Laiyin said to himself, the rice, noodles, oil and salt at home were all bought by his daughter with money. The half-old child supports the family.

His niece is good for a thousand or ten thousand. He feels guilty about being a father but at the same time he is so proud.

The more I talked, the more excited I became, and I waved my hand, and said boldly, "If my cousins ​​and nieces also want to earn some private money, I can teach them to recognize the black fruit."

This is also quite subtle!
To sum up, there is only one central idea. He feels guilty enough that his daughter earns money to buy food for the family. He will never use the food bought by his daughter to support the Qian family.

If you want to eat well, earn it yourself.

You say you don’t know those wild fruits?

It’s okay, I can teach you, there are several granddaughters of your old Qian’s family who have learned to pick fruit, and they will earn more money than his daughters~
After all, Ye Laiyin's meaning should not be obvious.

There are many wild fruits in the mountains, and there are a lot of wild game, so hurry up and pick them!

His daughter is one and a half years old, and his nephew, a weak scholar, can do things. You old Qian's big family can't be better than them?

Of course, having said that again, how can your family of more than 20 have the face to rob our two children of our hard-earned things?

Qian Dafa had a cold face and said nothing.

People have talked about this, and his old face is really a bit unbearable.

And old Cui wanted to speak several times, but couldn't get in.

The few daughters-in-law of the Qian family were similar to old Cui's, they didn't care about being shameless at all, they only focused on taking advantage.

They only know that the eldest aunt's family lives well and eats well, so they should be Laba's mother's house. They also have to eat two bites of chicken, meat, rice noodles, etc.~
However, Qian Dafa is the master of the family, and he still needs some face. Although Ye Laiyin said this, although he was unwilling, he had to rest his mind.

Otherwise what can he do?
Come to grab it?
That's really a bandit~
Oh, in fact, when old Cui's mother came to the door, each of them had a sack, and the posture was not much different from that of grabbing.

But in Qian Dafa's eyes, that's not a grab, it's mostly just a door-to-door fight~
In addition, it was not just about face that made him rest. With Ye Xusheng, the eldest grandson of the scholar, Qian Dafa would not dare to turn against the old Ye family.

He also thought about being able to be honored by his grandson in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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