The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 459 It's convenient for dad to drink tea whenever he wants

Chapter 459 It's convenient for dad to drink tea whenever he wants
The eldest lady-like He Xiner will dress up, and Wang Shi and Ye Laiyin will enter the door with a bowl and an iron pot, "It's deserted in the morning, eat a bowl of fried noodles before leaving."

The iron pot is the one used on the small stove.

Mrs. Wang has repeatedly stated that the food at home is good enough now, and she doesn't need to make up for this or that, but He Xiner is very persistent, and every night she takes the trouble to move the small stove to the west wing room and give her mother tremella soup.

Mrs. Wang couldn't resist her, so she had to listen to her.

So, the small stove boiled water in He Xin'er's room during the day, and the girls made tea in the morning and fried noodles in the afternoon. It was very comfortable.

In the evening, Mrs. Wang didn't wait for her daughter to send it to her. She took the small stove into her room and served tremella soup, a bowl for her husband, a bowl for her daughter, and a bowl for herself.

Not to mention, the taste of this white fungus soup is really good. My daughter taught her to add shredded red dates, lilies, raisins, medlars, rock sugar, and diced candied fruits of various colors. The white fungus soup boiled over a slow fire is sticky and smooth , Sweet and delicious, after eating a bowl, I feel that the heart, liver, spleen and lungs are very comforting, and the whole person is nourished and moistened.

Drinking white fungus soup at night, and not idle during the day, she never stopped eating various dried fruits and snacks. If she didn't eat, He Xiner would just stuff them into her mouth.

He even nagged her over and over again, asking her to eat a few red dates every day, and specially kept some black goji berries for her parents to eat and play.

Under the forced feeding of her daughter, Wang's complexion soon became very good. She herself felt much younger, her whole body was full of energy, her face was radiant, her eyes were clear and energetic, her skin was firm and delicate, and her body was light. Like a teenage girl.

Hey, far away~
In other words, when He Xiner saw her parents coming in with an iron pot, she laughed, "I must think about buying another stove today, otherwise it will be too troublesome to move around like this."

"Hey, don't spend that money, Mom doesn't think it's troublesome at all."

Wang, who has never said a word about spending money on her daughter, feels that this kind of spending is unnecessary.

"Originally, this stove was bought for my parents to boil water for lunch in the house, but it turned out that I was using it all. I still have to buy a stove. There is a stove in the house. When I have time, I will boil a pot of hot water for soaking. It's so convenient to drink a cup of tea."

He Xiner's small mouth made everyone laugh.

"How can our farmers be so particular about it?"


Hey, she buys so many things on weekdays, and she doesn't see her mother say anything, what's the matter today?
Unable to figure it out, He Xiner didn't bother, she just hugged Wang's arm and acted like a baby.

"You, hehe~"

Knowing that she did it on purpose, Mrs. Wang was still grinning from ear to ear.

"Haha, my daughter wants to buy it, and it's also a household item. Dad supports you."

"Well, thank you dad."

"Haha, Dad should thank you. I only know what tea is like at such an old age."

"Buy another stove and put it in the father and mother's room. It will be convenient for the father to drink tea whenever he wants."

"Hey, my daughter is right."

Seeing that her father and father were talking happily, Wang Shi was also happy, and said with a smile, "Drink it while it's hot, and you will be warmer."


"Mother also drinks."

"Well, drink them all."

Mrs. Wang knows her daughter's temper. If she doesn't drink, her daughter will not drink anything.

So, I made four bowls of fried noodles.

Not to mention, drinking a bowl of hot fried noodles early in the morning will keep you warm all over.

Ye Laiyin snorted and drank the fried noodles, smiled and watched his daughter's sip, which was very gentle, and said straightly, "My daughter is smart, this method is really easy, and it's delicious. Drink it in a big bowl, it's really comfortable."

"Hey, mother said, I'm so smart that I follow my father."

Ye Xusheng paused slightly with his hands holding the bowl, and then started to drink while holding the bowl as if nothing had happened.

"Haha, why didn't I know your mother praised me?"

"Why don't father ask mother directly?"

"Haha, ghost spirit~"

These fathers are really, do you think she doesn't exist?

With her head down, Wang couldn't see clearly the expression on her face, but she could clearly see the blush on the tips of her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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