The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 465 His delicate daughter can actually make money?

Chapter 465 His delicate daughter can actually make money?
Guan Xiuyuan was a scholar, but he didn't even pass the exam for the title of scholar. After failing the exam twice, Guan Xiuyuan gave up. The Guan family at that time couldn't afford it.

A scholar who couldn't lift his hands or shoulders, really couldn't do farm work. Fortunately, he could do accounting and read, so he found a job in the town as an accountant.

It was also because he had worked in the town for a long time, became more tactful, prudent and thoughtful in dealing with people, and had a certain network of contacts, so he came out of doubt when applying for the job as the shopkeeper of Taifeng Building.

Speaking of which, he has only been the shopkeeper of Taifeng Building for two years.

In the eyes of the farmers, this is simply a great job, not to mention anything else, it's lucrative!

The rice, noodles, meat and so on in the restaurant, as the shopkeeper, he can just take it home!

Cough, cough, cough, the tongue-twisting woman in the village doesn't have a gatekeeper on her mouth, and she dares to talk nonsense.

How did they know that although the shopkeeper of the restaurant sounds respectable, he is only working for the owner, and all the purchases are made by the owner's cronies, how can he let outsiders take advantage of it?
Of course, even if his boss trusts him, Guan Xiuyuan is not that kind of person. He has read the books seriously, okay?

Although he didn't pass the exam, the principles of life taught by the master have been engraved in his bones.

Besides, his son is still studying, and he is going to take the imperial examination in the future. How could he do something to ruin his reputation?

Cough, hey, far away~
In other words, Guan Xiuyuan has been the shopkeeper of the restaurant for two years, and it goes without saying that he is dedicated to his duties, but although his status is decent, his salary is actually not that much.

A monthly salary of one tael of silver.

Oh, it’s actually not too little, just by comparing with whom, compared with those men in the village who are digging food in the dirt nest, it’s not too little, not only not water, but also a lot, okay?
But he has been in the town all year round, and he is also the shopkeeper of the restaurant. He is very particular about his appearance, and he can't be sloppy in his clothes.

In order for his son to have a good future, Guan Xiuyuan was very willing to spend a lot of money on his son's education. Guan Mingwei studied in the best college in the town, and his food and clothing were naturally of the highest quality.

Adding up the seven and eight expenses, it is not a small amount.

Calculated in this way, Guan Xiuyuan's wages are not particularly rich.

In order to support his family, he paid more and more attention to this errand, staying in restaurants every day and rarely going home.

It turned out that he didn't know about He Xin'er and the others selling fruit. Although his son was also in the town, he didn't come here often. It was Liu who dragged someone to send him a letter from his family and told him about it.

Guan Xiuyuan was surprised when he read the letter.

His delicate girl can actually make money?
Suddenly, my heart was full, and I was distressed, moved and proud for a while, and all kinds of feelings were entangled~
However, he felt a little disappointed when his daughter didn't come to look for him when she came to the town several times. Why did she feel lonely when she grew up and didn't need him anymore?
In this way, Guan Xiuyuan took the letter and read it several times.

In the end, she actually laughed out loud, the little girl now is very promising, she is much better than his old man!

Ouch, he wants to invite his daughter's good friends and the adults in their family well!

He had heard from Zhierniang that every time he went up the mountain, Brother Shitian's whole family went to battle together, Brother Laiyin also had uncle and nephew two strong laborers in his family, it is said that Brother Laijin also went up the mountain with him when he was free.

But in his family, only Zhi'er and his wife are busy. Compared with the other two, they do too little.

It is obviously the common business of the three girls, and their family is like this all the time, and the two families don't say anything, it is really generous and benevolent!

(End of this chapter)

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