The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 473 Will anyone come to the restaurant to sell food recipes?

Chapter 473 Will anyone come to the restaurant to sell food recipes?
Ye Laiyin graciously admits that her daughter is capable, and invites Guan Xiuyuan as a guest at the right time.

I don't know how much money it will cost to eat such a meal. Ye Laiyin always feels that this kind of favor is a bit big, so he wants to invite him back, but he dare not come to the restaurant to invite him.

Fortunately, his niece is good at cooking, and the vegetables in her vegetable garden are very fresh, and the niece has a lot of tricks, and she can cook them. Besides, the roast chicken and spicy rabbit taste no worse than those in the restaurant.

With such a total, the dining table in my home is not shabby at all.

Well, at that time, I have to buy two jars of good wine, and have a good drink with the two bosses.

Haha, there are quite a few bosses in Ye Laiyin, and there is another one at home~
"When the time comes, I will definitely let girl Xin make a tiger-skin pepper. It will taste absolutely delicious."

"Tiger Pepper?"

Guan Xiuyuan raised his eyebrows. He was also the shopkeeper of the restaurant after all, but he had never heard of the dish of tiger skin pepper.

"Well, tiger skin pepper is made of chili."

He Xiner finally found a space to speak, it's really not easy!

"Why is food made of chili called tiger skin?"

Because he was puzzled, his charming peach eyes almost went straight, Guan Xiuyuan really couldn't figure it out.

"Haha, because during the cooking process, white or burnt marks will burst on the side of the pot, which looks like tiger skin at first glance."

"Wonderful! Is that your name?"

"Hey, it's just for fun..."

He Xiner's eyes twinkled with guilt, and she stuck out her tongue secretly.

Alas, if I knew it was like this, I wouldn't call it that at the beginning.

Seeing the two of them chatting more and more heatedly, Ye Xusheng felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, and the vinegar jar in his stomach was overturned long ago.

Little girl, I haven't told him why it's called tiger skin pepper...

"Uncle Guan, will anyone come to the restaurant to sell food recipes?"

It can be regarded as having caught up with this, He Xiner really couldn't help the curiosity in her heart.

"Haha, of course there will be."

Guan Xiuyuan smiled gently,
"Hey, there are also people who sell food and food recipes? Girl Xin knows a lot, so can they be exchanged for money?"

Ye Shitian had never heard of such a thing, it was hard to believe that money was so easy to earn?

"It's not that simple. The chefs hired at a high price in the restaurant are professional cooks. They don't like to spend money on other people's recipes."

Thinking about it, it is their job to study new tricks and try new foods.

If the restaurant is to spend money to buy prescriptions from outsiders, it will seem that they are incompetent.

There is another layer that Guan Xiuyuan didn't mention.

That's the one who went to the restaurant to sell recipes. Although they boasted about the food they made, there were not many decent ones.

Those who can think of sellers earning money are all poor families, and they are eagerly looking forward to getting some money to subsidize their families.

Rich people would not do such a shameful thing.

There is only one thing, that is, poor people have limited food to eat, and their knowledge is much worse than that of other chefs. In their eyes, the things that are so good are not enough to put them in restaurants. .

The chef hired by Shun in the restaurant is a professional, so how can you look at the rustic methods of the people in the country?
Ye Xusheng listened calmly, he gave those prescriptions to Dong Qiang, and he didn't know where they sold them.

Presumably it was not sold to Taifeng Building.

The smell of roasted chicken is much stronger than that of steamed chicken. If there is a recipe for roasted chicken in Taifeng Building, Uncle Guan has no reason not to arrange roasted chicken, but steamed chicken.


He Xiner blinked at Ye Xusheng, then turned her head and asked, "If the owner thinks the recipe is good and can make the restaurant profitable and wants to buy it, how much money will he pay for it?"

"Xin'er, do you really want to sell the recipe? Short of money? No, today's fruit was exchanged for 20 taels, which is enough for you~"

(End of this chapter)

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