Chapter 48 Chaos Radish Pancake
In the main room, Lao Yetou told Lao Qian, "Cut two slices of the meat from last time and cook it for lunch." afford to eat”

Old Yetou took two puffs of his cigarette, and said, "You haven't seen it yet, the chicken has hooked the gluttons. Now that the chicken is put away, can you have any objections?"

The stingy old Qian is a muddleheaded "Who dares to have an opinion, this family is in charge of the old lady, who dares to have an opinion that the old lady took his skin off!"

Glancing at her, Lao Yetou said: "You can't always be a spoiler, you can point to the whole family to work hard at home, and you should give some sweetness."

Old Qian thought about the same reason, pursed his dry mouth, and took out the key to get the meat.Trembling leisurely, he cut two large slices and took them to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, He Xiner chopped up some scallions, looked at the frying pan and wondered whether she should add more oil or oil?The key point is that this chaotic radish really can't accept it if you don't work hard!
Ye Laiyin and his wife were taking advantage of the hot water to pluck chicken feathers, but she didn't speak and couldn't ask.

Just at this moment, Mrs. Qian came over and saw that He Xiner was cooking, and hurriedly said: "Today, we will add meat and radish at noon, you can't use any more oil."

Well, white tangled.

He Xiner pursed her lips and took the meat from old Qian's hand. Did the old lady wash her hands just now?
Mrs. Qian went to see Ye Laiyin and his wife to clean up the pheasants again, and ordered, "You can clean up carefully, and save the chicken offal for dinner at night."

Ye Laiyin, who was busy with his hands, honestly agreed: "Understood, mother."

Satisfied with his son's attitude, the old Qian family left again in a flash of prestige.

He Xiner hurriedly washed the fatty meat with water, cut it into a dozen small pieces, put it in the pan to fry the oil, put in the chopped green onion to burst out the aroma, then put the radish in and stir-fried until it was evenly cooked Oil light plus water tossed in kosher salt.

He signaled Ye Xusheng to continue to burn the fire, and looked at the cornmeal in the basin. The steamed buns hadn't been steamed all afternoon.

Mrs. Wang is busy, so she can't either.

After thinking about it, I might as well make it into pancakes. I only ate them but never made them.No matter, it's too late to get started directly.

Scooped some water to reconcile the noodles, pinched a small piece with hands, patted it into a small pancake, and put it on the edge of the pot. This frying pan is big, otherwise there would be no place to post it.

After the pancakes are pasted, cover and continue to suffocate.

After a while, there was a scent from the pot. The pancakes that He Xiner pasted were small, the firewood was high, and the iron pan was very hot, so the pancakes cooked quickly.

Ye Xusheng also turned off the fire, and helped to put the vegetables into a big basin, He Xiner shoveled the pancakes and put them in the basket, and Wang's long-prepared corn paste was also put out.

At this time, Ye Laiyin and his wife also cleaned up the chicken, sprinkled it with salt and hung it in a shaded place to dry, and put the offal and intestines in a big sea bowl for eating at night.

The four people who serve the bowls and the ones who serve the basins go to the main room together.

He Xiner put it down and ran again to bring over the steamed eggs and hot beans.

The old Qian directly put the eggs and beans in front of her old daughter, and the little Qian was so angry that her eyes were almost red.

Fortunately, the smell of radish is not bad, and I stared at it right now, it seems that there is meat!

Seeing that there is no big fat meat, old Qian's face is pulled down, "Where is the meat?"

Fearing that Erni would be scolded again, Ye Xu rushed over, "Chop the meat into small pieces and fry the radishes in oil."

Immediately, old Qian was dissatisfied, thinking that it would be good to give you some meaty dishes, but also wanted to eat meat, which was reserved for her old daughter.

But Xiaoqian, who was longing for it earlier, was very happy: "Sheng'er has a good idea, but if you cut it into smaller pieces, even big guys can eat it well."

Old Qian was so annoyed that he gave her a glance, but she didn't care.

Seeing that he started grumbling again, Lao Yetou coughed dryly, "Okay, let's eat quickly."

Old Qian first brought out three bowls, but she couldn't pick out all the meat in such a big bowl, so she groaned angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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