The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 482 All of this is Naye Laiyin's fault

Chapter 482 All of this is Naye Laiyin's fault
Ye Dahu was walking with difficulty, every step was so painful that he grinned, and as he pulled the corners of his mouth, his bruised and swollen face twisted from time to time.

How can someone who has never suffered a disadvantage in a fight suddenly fall into such a big somersault, how can he swallow this breath?

But it was obvious that he couldn't beat Huichuntang's guard, and it was useless to be angry, and there was nowhere to vent his anger, and everyone cursed Ye Laiyin in his ears.


If it wasn't for their family saying that wild fruits can be exchanged for money, he wouldn't be forced into the mountains by his parents, and today they forced him to run to the town without eating early in the morning.

If he hadn't thought about getting the white money immediately, he wouldn't have given up the warm blanket and ran to the town against the cool wind.

The leader of Xingxing was thinking about buying wine and meat after changing the silver, but he didn't get a single coin.

Later, when the big guy was making a fuss and wanted to argue with the people in Huichun Hall, he immediately got his mind set on the location of the tent, just waiting for someone to make a fuss, so that he could take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Then, without knowing what happened, he was thrown on his back, so he didn't break his tailbone!
All of this was Na Ye Laiyin's fault!

Ye Dahu's eyeballs were rolling around. Ye Laiyin's family suddenly bought a cow and became the richest family in the village. There is no way to find some benefits for a while.

Hey, here's your chance...

To say that these people did walk faster than Ye Laiyin and the others, but they walked slower and not as fast as the ox cart, so they fell behind Ye Laiyin and others.

As for why Ye Laiyin and the others didn't meet anyone from the same village along the way, it was because everyone was hiding their minds, fearing that they would be watched, and chose to walk in small paths, wherever they could hide.

Ye Laiyin and the others drove the ox cart along the road, so naturally they arrived at Huichun Hall earlier than others.

When this group of people made trouble in Huichun Hall, Ye Laiyin and the others were eating in a luxurious private room in Taifeng Building. After a long meal, those people rushed back angrily and left. in front of them.

No, they have only just approached the village, and people have been yelling and cursing around the door for a long time.

In fact, most of these people are honest, they only want to earn some money to subsidize the family, and they are more sincere, and they sincerely praised He Xiner and the three girls for not hiding their secrets, teaching their family in every detail How does the little girl serve the fruit.

Among them was Ye Dahu's own father, Ye Xiangshui, who was also an honest man, but he didn't know what went wrong, and none of his sons followed him.

Oh, far away~
In other words, Ye Dahu yelled in the crowd that he wanted to grab the money, and instigated a group of people who were already red-eyed, all rushed towards Ye Laiyin like a madman.

Ye Laijin and Lao Yetou, who had been blocking the door of the house, were also in a hurry. They returned home and took a wooden stick and chased after them.

Old Qian's scolding was so loud that it hurt people's ears.

But these people made her angry, and she wanted to do it a long time ago. Now that the Lord is back, it's just right, so let's grab the money first.

Ye Dahu, who was running ahead, was even more excited, his eyes gleaming, thinking about Yin Zi, his body didn't hurt anymore, and his whole body was full of energy.

When the others saw Ye Mancang angrily blocking him, they stumbled more or less and paused in their footsteps. Although they only delayed for a second or two, they fell behind Ye Dahu.

In other words, Ye Mancang is not an easy master to provoke, if it weren't for this, he would be in a hurry, and no one would really want to provoke him.

Ye Dahu secretly got lucky while running, and before he reached Ye Mancang, he raised his fist, and walked towards Ye Mancang's face fiercely...

(End of this chapter)

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