The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 484 I'm Blind Every Day

Chapter 484
This person said something, that person said something, and the scene got a little out of control, but fortunately, no one did anything.

Ye Dahu on the ground got up early, glared at Ye Mancang bitterly, rubbed his aching heart and spat on the ground, then slumped back home to pick up the guys and move the rescuers.

He figured it out, those screwers were all cowards, no one dared to get started, so he was the only one who practiced together!
Damn it, that kid Ye Mancang almost passed out with a kick~
Damn boy wait!

Ye Xusheng glanced at him calmly, his eyes dark.

Although the atmosphere was not harmonious, but seeing that it was impossible to make a fuss, several people in the group secretly exchanged glances, feeling unwilling.

Those people are not from Yejia Village, but from Dazhai Village. The brothers are the most powerful in the village, nothing else, but there are many men in the family, and they are hot-tempered and unreasonable.

Ye Dahu has eight cousins, from Dahu to Bahu.

The Cheng family in Dazhai Village has six cousins, the eldest is Cheng Bao, and the following cousins ​​are Cheng Xiong, Cheng Lei, Cheng Gang, Cheng Qiang, and Cheng Wei. The waist is mainly thin, with only a big bone frame.

The brothers were similar to Ye Dahu, they were so focused on selling fruit and wine to buy meat, but in the end they didn't earn a single copper coin, and they were thrown into a daze, and the whole person fell apart.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak out at the moment, full of anger.

Hey, I don't know who to throw fire at, but the people in Yejia Village made a fuss by themselves, so why are they being polite?
Besides, they are not from their village, and they are not the leaders. What happens can't be blamed on them.

They just want to make a fuss and get some benefits. According to the people of Ye Family Village, Ye Laiyin's family is very rich~
But what's the situation now?
do not fight?
stop making trouble?
Not only did Ye Xusheng see Ye Dahu's embarrassment, but Cheng Bao and his brothers also saw it.

In other words, Jiang Jiang and his brothers have been whispering to Ye Dahu, and he also learned from Ye Dahu that the richest family in Yejia Village has a small population and only one grandson who is studying.

So this is ah……

Seeing Ye Dahu leave, the others only knew how to yell but did not dare to do anything. The elder brothers were anxious, so Cheng Xiong poked his elder brother and motioned him to look at the things on the bullock cart.

The two bamboo baskets on the bullock cart were filled to the brim, and the cloaks and large cotton towels that He Xiner bought were packed in coarse cloth and placed on top of them, making them very conspicuous.

The other bamboo basket was also full of miscellaneous things, and it was also covered with a coarse cloth.

The Cheng family brothers were all red-eyed.

So, a few people separated quietly, sandwiched in the crowd, provoking a few words from time to time, making the chaotic atmosphere even more chaotic.

Ye Xusheng squinted his eyes slightly, his cold eyes swept towards the Cheng brothers in the crowd.

In other words, Ye Dahu staggered back home clutching his chest, and greeted the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth tigers. , aggressively vowed to get back the scene.

At this time, other people in the village also got the news more or less, and immediately rushed to the alley of Ye Dahe's house, even Ye Shitian's brothers and nephews listened.

So, the whole family took action, yo drinking and taking the stuff, Bai Shi, who was doing needlework in the room, trembled in fright, the embroidery needle pricked his finger suddenly, and a bead of blood dripped on Ye Shitian's new clothes.

How could he care about his clothes now, with a pale face, Bai quickly slid down the kang, put on his shoes, opened the door and ran out.

Ye Yuanyuan's nanny, the old Yuan Shi, was yelling and cursing in the yard, "I'm so blind every day, some of them go out blindly, and I can't cover up some big things. Doesn't it make people jealous?"

"Mother, why don't you teach old Aunt Qian a lesson?"

Bai Shi is not one to suffer from boredom, she was already anxious to death, and her mother-in-law is still fighting here, can you not hate her?
 Little fairies vote~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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