The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 520 When he is willing to listen to the magic sound?

Chapter 520 When he is willing to listen to the magic sound?
Zhang Dongqiang said that if the little girl is involved, he should take a step back, is he anxious if he didn't see the fool?
"Hey, don't you want to treat me to roast chicken? Look at your trap."

Before Ye Xusheng could speak, Ye Yuanyuan called out, "I'm going too, I'm going too."

"Let's go, have a look."

Ye Xusheng strode ahead, Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi quickly followed, only He Xiner deliberately took a step slower, and walked side by side with Zhang Dongqiang who was walking behind at a leisurely pace.

"Brother Zhang, where did you sell those prescriptions?"

Glancing at her lightly, Zhang Dongqiang raised his eyebrows, "Do you think there is too little money?"

"no no."

He Xiner waved her hand, and suddenly smiled, "The person who bought that recipe must be a big fool, the one with a lot of money, those recipes are not worth that much money at all."

Zhang Dongqiang, who was called a fool, had a toothache.

Helplessly, he glanced at the little girl, depressed!

"Huh? That's not right, if that person wants to understand, what should he do? Will he come to trouble you?"

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Dongqiang said, "No."

Afraid she would repeat it, he hurriedly added, "Those prescriptions were bought from restaurants in Fucheng, and since they bought them, it means they are worth the money."

"Wow, I'm so good! All the big restaurants in Fucheng think my food is good?"

He Xiner happily jumped three feet high, "Haha, the restaurants in Fucheng know what to buy. Oops, I have to study hard on food, and I will make a fortune by pointing to the seller!"

With this joy, she couldn't hold back her laughter, and the magical laughter that belonged to He Xiner immediately floated into everyone's ears.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi in the front are okay to say, they are used to her temperament.

But Ye Xusheng didn't think so anymore, Xin'er would only smile like this when she was very happy, what did Dong Qiang say to her in this short time to make her happy like this?
Suddenly he regretted a little, he shouldn't have asked Dong Qiang out.

Suddenly thinking of He Xiner's exaggerated Dong Qiang's words, Ye Xusheng was in a bad mood.

In other words, Zhang Dongqiang was holding back He Xiner's magic voice piercing his ears, but he keenly caught the eye knife shot by Ye Xusheng, and he couldn't laugh or cry~
What kind of look is that silly boy?
When he is willing to listen to this magic sound?
That is, the silly boy thinks it sounds good~
In other words, He Xiner is really curious about Zhang Dongqiang. She always feels that Zhang Dongqiang's temperament is not like an ordinary person. After seeing his skills, her heart of gossip is burning. When she sees someone, she will only get more and more burning. Why would Zhang Dongqiang be easily let go.

Guan Cuizhi was a little shy, when she saw Zhang Dongqiang, her heart jumped like a deer, and she didn't dare to say a few words.

And Ye Yuanyuan put all her heart into eating, and followed Ye Xusheng eagerly, without moving a step.

It just happened to give He Xiner the opportunity to pester Zhang Dongqiang to ask this and that, so excited.

Hehe, she has changed her mind. If she can really go back to modern times, she will not only abduct Uncle Guan and Cuizhi, but also abduct Brother Zhang, then her manager will be awesome. An innocent little fairy, handsome uncle with good looks and abstinence!
Haha, with the three big cash cows in hand, it's almost a fortune!
She can lie at home every day and count money to play!
Ouch, I can't think, I can't think!
He Xiner has already got into the eyes of money, looking at Zhang Dongqiang is like looking at a golden ingot, her eyes are amazingly bright, ouch, look at this image, this appearance, this temperament, what kind of fairy drama, costume drama , Romantic dramas, everything is fine~
Zhang Dongqiang only felt that the idiot's eye knives were piercing him more and more intensively. Thanks to his strong psychological quality, he could withstand it. If it was a different person, he might be stabbed internally.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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