The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 524 Discuss With Your Uncle Tomorrow 1

Chapter 524 Discuss With Your Uncle Tomorrow

A few freshly sorted vegetable beds caught He Xiner's attention, "Mother, what are you going to grow?"

It's the season, and I guess it's time to plant some Chinese cabbage and radishes, but the cabbage and radishes are still young and old.

"Oh, your father and uncle sorted out and planted garlic. I just saw that some of them have sprouted."

Hearing this, He Xiner approached and took a closer look, it was really true.

Is it possible to eat so much garlic?
Suddenly, a light flashed in He Xiner's mind.

In her previous life, she liked garlic yellow very much. If she can grow garlic yellow, she can eat it at home or sell it for money. It's a good thing, and it's worth a try.

It's just a preliminary idea, and I don't know if it will work. He Xiner didn't tell Wang Shi, but helped cook the meals. She didn't discuss it seriously with her father until after dinner.

"Father, I know a way to grow different garlic sprouts, which are very fresh and delicious. I thought, maybe I can sell them for some money."

Ever since Ye Laiyin knew that his daughter could read and write, he had some novel thoughts about her, so he never doubted her at all, and never asked her where she knew about it.

Her daughter is smart and literate and can read, so she naturally knows a lot.

Immediately, after hearing what He Xiner said, I became interested, "It happens that the farming is slack. In previous years, Dad would have gone to work in the town at this time. Now that he wants to pick fruit, he has no time to work. I'm afraid your grandma will lose her temper. It would be nice to exchange some silver for fresh vegetables, so as not to quarrel when you get it."

"Well, that's what Dad said."

"Your uncle originally planned to drive an ox cart to the town to earn some money. Tomorrow, I told him not to do anything else, but to get those garlic sprouts first."

"Haha, dad just trusts me so much, aren't you afraid of wasting time?"

He Xiner smiled narrowly.

"Hey, I don't trust my daughter, who do I trust?"

Patting his daughter on the head, Ye Laiyin smiled heartily, "It's fine even if you can't make any money, isn't it just a few days of work?"

Candles were lit in the room, and it was brightly lit. Mrs. Wang pursed her lips and smiled while Mimi was doing her needlework. Hearing the discussions between the two of them, she was very happy.

Like her husband, she believed in her daughter from the bottom of her heart, as long as she came up with a solution, there would be nothing wrong with it.

"This method is actually very simple, just build a half-wall around the whole border, and then put straw curtains on it."

"Why is this?"

"Don't let it bask in the sun, and keep it warm at night. When the garlic sprouts grow two inches, you can cover it, water it every two or three days, and then cover it and let it grow by itself."

"I haven't been exposed to the sun, so the garlic sprouts are very fresh and tender, and the color is yellow."

After hearing what the daughter said, Ye Laiyin pondered for a moment, "Tomorrow, your uncle and I will get busy."

"Well, do you want to talk to Grandpa first?"

"Say, it doesn't cost money, your master will never refuse."


Tremella soup was gurgling on the stove, and He Xiner carefully stirred it. Seeing that it was almost done, she found a rag and wanted to bring it down.

"Come on dad, stay away, don't get burned."

He Xiner chuckled, she was not a child, and her father was too careful.

After scooping up the white fungus soup and cooling it, He Xiner suddenly said, "Our house suddenly planted things under the curtain, will people from the village come to ask?"

In the past, she would not have cared about such a small matter, she would have known it if she knew it. This was not a solution she came up with, it was the crystallization of wisdom from generation to generation.

Such a simple planting method will sooner or later spread.

Besides, she didn't expect to make a fortune selling garlic yellow.

But after the matter of Ye Guozi, if she is so indifferent, it is lack of heart.

"Well, General Father is also thinking about this."

"How about building a fence to surround them all?"

"Okay, let's discuss it with your uncle tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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