Chapter 533 Let's Preach
So, after nearly a month of recalling bitterness and sweetness in Lao Ye's family, he suddenly ate white flour dumplings happily.

Although it wasn't stuffed with meat, it was still so old that Qian almost swallowed his own tongue.

I'm full, and old Qian doesn't know what kind of food is in it. The way she eats is really fierce, and the dumplings are the size of eggs. She swallows them in one bite, and eats them without biting them. One gobbled it up like a rob.

It wasn't until he was full that he felt his throat was full and he couldn't swallow any more. Only then did old Qian have some leisure time to bite open a dumpling and carefully examine what was inside.

Huang Yangyang's egg is unmistakable, but what is that greasy, bright yellow thing?
It was even fresher than leeks.

Even though she was curious, she didn't hold back, but it's a pity that none of the old Ye Touye wanted to tell her.

Seeing that no one in the family paid any attention to her, old Qian couldn't hold back his old face, he slammed his chopsticks on the table, stared at Ye Laiyin with his triangular old eyes, and wanted to get mad.

Before she could start scolding, Lao Yetou scolded first, "There are white flour dumplings, but still can't fill your hole? I will howl when I am full, and it doesn't matter whether the working men are safe or not?"

Old Qian fell on his back in anger!

In other words, before she said a word, the old man scolded her first.

You haven't spoken yet, but you threw your chopsticks and slapped the table with a dark old face. Who doesn't know that you are going to be a demon again?

Old Ye Touye has been busy talking about it every day, and finally tasted the fruit of his labor. The delicious taste is simply a feast for the taste buds. It's too pleasantly surprised, is there any?

Lao Yetou was sipping a small wine and a mouthful of dumplings. He was very comfortable, and his heart was even more happy. Such juicy and delicious food was destined to be sold.

Those few furrows are not old or young, and they can be sold. After cutting this stubble, the few furrows planted later will almost grow taller, and they can be exchanged for money soon.

White silver!
Thinking about it makes my heart bubbling with beauty.

So, Zheng Xingxing was very happy, but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by old Qian. Could Lao Ye not be angry?

Besides, their fathers are so busy that their feet don't touch the ground every day, they are sweating when they are busy in the cold weather, and they work hard every day, so they look forward to a good meal and comfort.

But this damn old woman is fine, she eats and sleeps at home every day, sleeps and eats, and is uncomfortable all day long, except for chewing the root of her tongue, she doesn't do any business.

At the dinner table, he ate Hesai like a hungry wolf, and when he was full, he would curse at others, who would not be annoyed?

So, before Lao Qian could speak, Lao Yetou attacked first.

Old Qian is so angry, the dead boss is really lenient, the kind that crawled out of his own intestines, what's wrong with a few curses?
It's up to you!

However, the old man has already talked about this, and old Qian is not stupid, he knows that he hates others to disturb his meal.

But in the end it is still difficult to calm down, how can old Qian be willing to hold his breath?

If you don’t let howling, just change the method, then let’s preach.

"It's not that I want to make trouble, it's that your masters don't pay attention to me at all, and keep everything from me."

Hey, how rare is it that her grandma still speaks so normally?
He Xin'er ate the dumplings with her head down, but secretly raised her eyebrows, disdainful towards old Qian.

At the dinner table, no one spoke, everyone ate their own food.

Old Qian's breath was blocked in his chest, and his old face was flushed.

If this continues, what status does she have in this family?

So, old Qian pointed the finger at Ye Laiyin again.

Why is it always the second child who hits me every time?
To be honest, in this era, the status of the eldest son is very high in the family, and he is the biggest reliance of the elderly. Although old Qian likes the youngest son, he also attaches great importance to the status of the eldest son.

(End of this chapter)

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