The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 535 Rare Things Are More Valuable

Chapter 535 Rare Things Are More Valuable

He Xiner blinked her big eyes and smiled like a little fox.

"Hey, Dad knows you have a lot of ideas."

Originally, he meant something like this. My daughter is as clever as a ghost, and her brain is better than his. Besides, it was her idea to grow this dish, so I naturally wanted to hear her opinion on how much to sell at a suitable price.

Seeing his daughter's bright eyes, Ye Laiyin smiled with a smile on his face, full of pride, without concealing it, his daughter is a smart...

Looking at her father's fiery eyes, He Xiner couldn't help being a little funny. In fact, she didn't hold back, she grinned very happily~
"Father can deliver this dish to Taifeng Building, Uncle Guan is one of his own, so you don't need to be polite, just say what you want.

Besides, this garlic yellow is a fresh dish, whether it tastes good or not, we can't just rely on our red mouth and white teeth to say it is good, people don't believe it.

It is convenient to prepare food in the restaurant, and father will give them a hand, let the chef cook it directly, no need to say anything, they will know whether the taste is fresh or not. "

He Xiner blinked her eyes and said the same thing.

Mrs. Wang was doing needlework, listening happily to the two of them talking, and hearing her daughter's idea, she couldn't help but say, "I think Xin'er's method is good. Whether this dish is good or not, we can't just rely on us to drink it. Only after they taste it can they know how delicious the garlic yellow is.”

"Haha, you're right, Xin'er is a good idea."

Nodding, Ye Laiyin smiled happily, and then asked her daughter, "How else can I eat this yellow garlic?"

"Scrambled eggs, fried meat, and soup can be added."

"Okay, send it directly to Taifeng Building tomorrow."

After taking a sip of tea, Ye Laiyin murmured, "This garlic yellow is fresh and delicious, and the price can't be lowered."

"I've already thought about it for my dad. It's only fifty cents a catty. It's not too high or cheap."

Not too high?
you sure?
Fat meat is only fifteen yuan a catty, and you actually said that fifty yuan is not high?

Ye Laiyin's eyes widened sharply, Wang's finger was almost pricked, and she looked at He Xiner in astonishment.

"Xin'er, are you kidding me?"

Ye Laiyin blinked vigorously, then stared intently at He Xiner's small face, as if she was afraid that she might be dazzled.

The shoes in Wang's hand were also put back into the sewing basket, and she looked at her daughter nervously, without panting.

Do you need to be so serious?

He Xiner wanted to touch her forehead, but she could bear it and let it go.

"Father, mother, why are you looking at me like this?"

Grinning, He Xiner smiled helplessly.

"Hehe, Dad was shocked to hear such a high price out of nowhere~"

"Yes, isn't the price too high?"

"Scarcity is the most expensive thing! This solar term, there are limited dishes to eat. Our garlic yellow is the only fresh water, so it should be more expensive. If the price is low, people will think it is not rare."

This makes sense!

Ye Laiyin's eyes lit up, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became. Those who can buy vegetables are those who are not short of money, and they all pay attention to food. If this garlic yellow is the same price as cabbage, maybe they will dislike it cheap~
Wang looked at her husband and said nothing, but she agreed with her daughter's words in her heart.

"Well, Xin'er is right. Rare things are more expensive, and that's the price!"

Having said that, Ye Laiyin's heart became more at ease. Isn't it just fifty cents a catty? He has sold wild fruits for five hundred cents a catty, and he can still be scared by garlic yellow for fifty cents a catty. Arrived?

Wang immediately burst into laughter. Although the money for selling vegetables was handed over to the public, she was happy in her heart. With the income at home, the mother-in-law didn't have to worry about Xin'er's money all the time.

Besides, this method was thought up by my daughter, and it can earn money for the family. The parents-in-law must remember the daughter's love, so I am embarrassed to scold them casually, right?
(End of this chapter)

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