The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 543 Is the eldest brother acting like a baby to her?

Chapter 543 Is the eldest brother acting like a baby to her?
The girl is smart, learning to read and write is a good thing, but the rare thing is that the eldest nephew is willing to teach her without bothering her.

Ye Laiyin only wanted to be happy, so he wouldn't stop him.

It's just that it's a bit late, he has already slept, and the daughter is still in the nephew's room, she doesn't know how to sleep, she presumably is still reading, and she is not afraid of tired eyes.

So, he reminded me casually.

Ye Xusheng naturally responded obediently.

Several people went back to their houses and got under the covers.

He Xiner was still waiting for him in Ye Xusheng's room, when she heard footsteps, she opened the door early, "Big Brother~"

"Come in, cold."

Ye Xusheng strode back to the room and quickly closed the door.

"Who are they?"

Poured a cup of hot water for the hall brother and handed it to him, He Xiner was very curious.

The small stove in the room was newly bought by Ye Xusheng, and the iron kettle was gurgling and steaming, making the room even warmer.

Although it was cold this season, the kang hadn't started yet. There was no such thing as a stove in their house. In previous winters, he would just sit in the icy room alone, reading until late at night.

Today, the house is still the original house, but it is no longer deserted.

After taking the steaming cup, Ye Xusheng only felt warm in his heart.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

He Xiner looked at the eldest brother in puzzlement, her eyes were wide open, pure and ignorant.



What's wrong, big brother?
He Xiner said she didn't understand.

Ye Xusheng didn't say anything else, he took the cup and drank the scalding hot water in one gulp, just like drinking~
"Ah, it's hot, hot, hot, brother hall, drink slowly."

Just so thirsty?

Then don't you bring such a drink?

He Xiner rushed to grab the cup in a hurry, "Slow down, slow down, don't get scalded."

"It's okay, it's not too hot anymore."

Seeing her blushing anxiously, Ye Xusheng looked at her with a gentle smile, the candlelight was flickering, he stood against the light, his smile had a halo effect, hazy and charming~
"Big brother, you have a really nice smile, very gentle and heart-warming, haha~"

He Xiner smiled brightly, the eldest brother was as careful as dust, gentle and honest, who would be lucky enough to marry him in the future?

Why does Ye Xusheng feel that the little girl's smile is not the same as usual~
Although he was going to praise him, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.


With a helpless look in his eyes, Ye Xusheng called out softly, but for some reason, there was a little coquettish tone in his tone.

Is the hall brother acting like a baby to her?
He Xiner's eyes widened suddenly, and Ye Xusheng immediately reacted, blinking his eyes lightly, and did not meet her gaze.

Although he tried his best to keep his face calm and calm, the red tips of his ears still betrayed him.

"Ha ha……"

I was stunned for a moment, and the little girl's unique magical laughter immediately spread throughout the room~
Now, Ye Xusheng is really helpless, the little girl is really...

"Stop laughing, okay?"

"Okay, okay, poof~"

He Xiner couldn't stop laughing.


Seeing her laughing more and more cheerfully, Ye Xusheng let go instead, not so embarrassed.

Shaking his head, Ye Xusheng patted He Xiner's head with a smile in his eyes, "Have you laughed enough?"

He Xiner put away the magic voice and nodded with a smile on her face.

"After laughing for so long, drink some water."

Poured half a glass of water for He Xiner, Ye Xusheng put it on his lips and blew gently before handing it to her.

He Xiner accepted it with a smile, followed his example, and drank it all in one gulp.

"It's getting late, brother will take you back."

"it is good."

Just as he agreed, he nodded and was about to tidy up the storybook, when he suddenly remembered what happened before, "Brother Hall, you haven't told me yet, what's going on outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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