The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 548 Haha, this is a good idea

Chapter 548 Haha, this is a good idea

Not only Ye Laiyin understood, but both Ye Tou and Ye Laijin understood.

So, the two brothers looked at their father in unison.

Old Yetou was a little embarrassed.

After two seconds of silence, I finally said, "I remembered, the frame of our ox cart is made of rosewood, which is hard and reliable, and the carriage should not be too bad."

"Father is right, it takes a long time to pretend to be strong."

Ye Laiyin looked taught.

"Then bring some more money."

As he said that, Lao Yetou took out five or six taels of silver from his pocket and handed it to Ye Laiyin.

Hey, he never carried money on him before, but now he feels like he can take out money at any time, don't be too good~
He Xiner didn't know if it was enough to buy a good car, but it was not easy for her grandfather to do this, and one had to know how to measure it, and not push it too far.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin put the bamboo baskets on the cart and covered them with two layers of straw curtains.

As soon as he got back together, Ye Shitian came with his son.

Although it was not the day for his family to deliver food, he was worried that Ye Laiyin would go on the road alone with money, so he took his son to the town with him every day.

Seeing her father driving the ox cart away, He Xiner turned her head and said with a smile, "I'll go warm up food for my grandfather and uncle."

"No, your uncle and I have to water the vegetable garden."

In other words, when Lao Yetou first took out the money, he was somewhat dissatisfied with He Xiner, but now looking at her smiling face, that displeasure disappeared instantly.

It seems that he was thinking too much, the second girl is a good boy, she is not the kind of person who deliberately uses words to run him down.

He Xin'er didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, as soon as she heard that she was going to water the vegetables, she became interested. She couldn't carry water, but watering was fine~
"Then I'll help water it."

Who doesn't like hardworking kids?

Therefore, Lao Yetou became more and more satisfied with the second girl.

Old Yetou and his father carried water, and He Xin'er used a ladle to water the vegetables. After working for an hour, they finally poured everything over.

"Oh, this dish will be gone after harvesting."

The first two furrows were harvested for three crops, and there was no further harvest. The current two furrows were replanted later, and two crops have already been harvested.

One more harvest and it's all over.

It's a great pity for the three old Yetouye, the days of earning money every day are coming to an end, so I'm anxious.

"Huh? Aren't those two beds vacant? Why don't you continue planting?"

He Xiner put down the ladle in her hand, supported her sore waist, and asked puzzledly while rubbing.

"It's getting colder at night, and the temperature is too low to grow."

Ye Laijin explained to her earnestly that no matter how smart he is, he is still a child, and he doesn't understand such things as farming.

"Eh? Just set up a few braziers in the vegetable shed? It's just more troublesome. Someone needs to watch it every day, and you have to pay attention to ventilation. Otherwise, it will be too hot and the yellow sprouts will rot."

"Haha, that's a good idea. Make a brazier to keep warm."

Old Yetou and Ye Laijin looked surprised.

Especially the old Yetou was shocked. He had been planting all his life, but it was the first time he heard that he built a brazier for growing vegetables.

But it's worth a try, isn't it?
The bright and juicy vegetable seedlings are all white flowers!
These days, with more than one liang of income every day, Lao Yetou has never experienced such a joy, as refreshing as eating ice cubes in June.

It's just that when he thought that this source of income was about to be cut off, he felt as if he had been thrown into a boiling oil pan for frying, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys ached all over his body.

Haha, it's all right now, and I can continue to earn money again!
"Well, what the second girl said is reasonable, if you make a few braziers, you won't be afraid of the cold."

"It's just troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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