The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 550 Does our family have a dog?

Chapter 550 Does our family have a dog?

What will the second girl say?

Oh, by the way, I feel sorry for him and the boss and the second child who have worked so hard.

Lao Yetou suddenly found out his conscience.

That's right, the three of them have never been idle, can they not work hard?
Speaking of which, the eldest and second child are really good, capable and obedient children.

He has always worked silently, never wanted anything with him, let alone argue with the third child.

But the third child...

So, old Yetou made a huge decision in his heart, and waited for Ye Laiyin to come back before talking to his two sons.

"Grandpa, what are you thinking?"

He Xiner blinked her big eyes, full of curiosity.

Her father will definitely be distracted~
"Well, it's nothing. Let's figure it out after your father comes back."


If the old man doesn't say anything, it's useless to ask.

Ye Laijin walked in front carrying an empty wooden barrel, while Old Ye Tou and He Xiner walked out of the vegetable garden behind.

Seeing her grandfather locked the fence gate of the vegetable garden with a serious face, He Xiner asked, "Do you want to guard the gate at night? Those who are only curious about what to plant are better off, in case they have bad intentions, It will be troublesome to burn our vegetable garden."

She didn't think so before.

Now, it's not that she thinks bad about people, because it's very possible.

"By the way, I was so busy that I forgot to tell the village head about this. I will go home and change my clothes. I will go and talk to the village head."

Old Yetou had a dark face and was very angry.

"Master, does our family have a dog? The housekeeper is also alert."

He Xiner tilted her head to give her father advice.

Because she found out that if she was not careful, she almost cheated her father.

I also know that if she has to be on duty at night, it is naturally her father and uncle's business.

Hey, I shouldn't be here to help you blindly today.


"Hey, the second girl is right, you should keep a dog."

Old Yetou no longer had a straight face, but smiled.

Ye Laijin also said that this idea is good.

Now that there is no shortage of food at home, raising a dog is not a big deal, and it can also guard the house and guard the house, um, not bad.

So, it was settled.

Well, looking back, whose bitch gave birth to more puppies, as long as they come home to raise them.

It would be better if there are bigger ones, feed them a few times, and they will be mature.

Old Yetou went to the village head Ye Changshou's house, and before noon, the whole village knew that Ye Dahe's vegetable garden had been attacked by thieves.

Although he didn't specify who Dao's surname was, but he heard that Boy Sheng had spoken, and if there was another person who didn't have long eyes to touch the door, he would not be polite.

For a moment, the whole village was in an uproar.

Who dares to provoke Kid Sheng?

Aren't you afraid that the kid will take off his arms and legs?

Widow Zhang, Yang Shi and others also listened to it, they were all guilty, people who always like to gather together and gossip, they were so suffocated at home that they dare not go out.

He Xiner originally thought that she would find Yuanyuan and Cuizhi to play with later, but who would have thought that she would stay in the vegetable garden for most of the morning, well, lunch is about to be made, so she should stay at home obediently.

I didn't eat breakfast in the morning, and I'm hungry, so let's cook earlier.

He Xin'er helped to light the fire, and Wang reheated the rice porridge and egg pancakes in the morning, and also fried a large pot of cabbage.

The couple quickly entered the main room with the dishes and chopsticks.

The stomach sang empty city plans all morning, and the old Yetou was so hungry that he was thinking of urging his second daughter-in-law to have dinner earlier, when he saw the Wangs and his wife coming in with a hot meal.

Old Yetou was very satisfied.

"Master, you've been busy for a long time, you're tired and hungry, let's eat first.

I left the meal for my cousin, and put it on the stove to warm it up, and it will be hot when I come back later. "


Old Ye stared at the golden omelette and swallowed his saliva, but said, "Go ask your uncle to eat."

Hmph, he only cares that his son is not hungry, those old guys who hide in the house and are lazy, like to eat or not.

If he talks outside, he doesn't believe that he can't hear inside.

What's the matter, you still want him to invite you out for dinner?

 Guys, vote a lot~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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