Chapter 552
The main reason is that he is not used to being called 'Feifeng' or 'Fenger', and feels that it is not his daughter, it is very strange.And if you call 'Feng girl', you will not be close either.

Therefore, Ye Laijin was called 'Big Girl' just like his father.

It's very strange that the second girl changed her name, and he called it smoothly, without any awkwardness at all, as if the second girl was born with the name 'Xin'er' when she was born.

Hey, far away~
At Ye Laijin's words, Wang was stunned for a moment, and then silently put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand.

And Ye Feifeng was stuffing his mouth full to eat, when he suddenly heard her father's cold words, he choked up.


"Oh, you're still a girl, how can you look like a caring little padded jacket?
I knew that I was eating nonsense, and my mother didn't care.

Compared with the eldest nephew who is a son, it is really far behind~"

As long as Ye Feifeng is unlucky, Ye Guihua will be happy.

No, as soon as her elder brother finished speaking, she couldn't help jumping out and scratching at the thorn in a strange manner.

The cautious look of the general has long since disappeared, and she also forgot that her father is not happy yet, and only cares about watching Ye Feifeng's excitement.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, her father looked over coldly, "I'm ashamed to talk about others, you are not as good as others, the big girl is at least more capable than you, unlike you who eat and sleep, sleep and eat..."

He Xiner silently praised her father.

The old man is sharp!

Being ridiculed by her own father, Ye Guihua's face flushed with embarrassment, she wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in, and she didn't dare to say a word.

And Ye Feifeng took advantage of this time to quickly drink the rice soup, at least he couldn't choke himself to death.

Peeking at her father's face, she didn't dare to dawdle, let alone say anything, picked up the food prepared by Mrs. Wang for her mother, and walked out of the main room in a hurry.

After the old Yetou scolded his daughter, he didn't care about anything else, and started to eat with his head down.

Hey, don't tell me, this Laoshizi omelette is really delicious~
The bright yellow omelette smelled fragrant and tasted even more delicious, Lao Yetou couldn't hold back his mouth for a while.

Ye Laijin was hungry all morning, finally able to eat in peace, put away his cold face, and started to eat.

Ye Guihua, who had been scolded a lot, gritted her teeth in secret, but she didn't have the guts to confront his father, and secretly threw a knife at Ye Feifeng.

Just as Ye Feifeng came back from bringing food to her mother, she cautiously slipped in against the wall, when she felt her sister-in-law's sharp eyes.

Pursing her lips vigorously, Ye Feifeng glanced at her father uneasily, and found that her father didn't pay attention to her, and Ye Feifeng didn't bother to talk to her sister-in-law.

He sat down quietly, stretched out his claws like a thief and took an egg pancake, and quickly ate it with his head down.

Anyway, the family can finally have a meal in peace~
The old Qian Shi in the room had a gloomy old face, and was about to drip water, his stomach was rumbling with hunger, but he didn't have the face to go out by himself.

I cursed the dead old man eight hundred times in my heart, but I was still puzzled.

Not to mention scolding a thousand or eight hundred times, it is useless even if you scold him a hundred and eight thousand times.

Shouldn't people be eating, should she be hungry?

Old Qian is full of dissatisfaction, if this continues, she will have no status in this family, so what can I do?
She is the head of the family, a genius in the entire Laoye family.

So, old Qian was only thinking about how to regain his prestige, but he didn't feel very hungry.

As soon as the table was cleared in the main room, Ye Xusheng walked in through the curtain.

"Big brother, are you back?"

He Xiner looked up with a small face and smiled.


Ye Xusheng responded gently before calling someone.

"It's a bit early for dinner at home today, and it's left for you alone. Sit down and take a breath first, and wait for the second girl to serve you the meal."

(End of this chapter)

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