The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 568 I Can't See It Yet

Chapter 568 I Can't See It Yet

A total of 19 taels and five dollars.

Oh, there are still a few copper coins left, and I don't care about how many, so I put it aside.

With this whole number, they still have to figure out how to divide it. Adding a few copper coins, isn't that adding to the chaos?
It took a lot of work, and finally figured it out.

"One serving is sixty-two five dollars."

"It's such an account."

Old Yetou nodded and said with a smile, "Take your own share."

"Hey, let's not be polite then."

Ye Laiyin smiled heartily.

Speaking of which, he has quite a lot of silver in his hands, but the money was earned by the girl, so naturally it belongs to the girl, and she can spend it as she likes, and he doesn't hold back.

There is not much money left and right, and the rest after spending it is enough to buy her a decent dowry in the future.

In the future, if there are more, I will save them and put them at the bottom of the box for my daughter.

He will not keep it for private use.

So, these six taels of silver are not a small amount to him, hehe.

"Haha, take it, take it."

So, both Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin happily put away their share of money.

"Tomorrow, we will clear out those two fields first, and then plant stubble as soon as possible, and we can make a fortune by the end of the year."

Putting away the silver box, the old Ye Tou happily smoked his pipe, in a good mood.

"Miss Xin'er is smart. If she didn't mention the way to heat the brazier, we really would never have thought of it."

Ye Laijin admired his little niece from the bottom of his heart. It was the first time he had heard that he built a brazier for growing vegetables.

Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Old Ye's eyes lit up, and he chuckled, "The second girl is a filial person. After talking about making a brazier, the little girl regretted it. She was afraid that our master would be troubled, so she kept looking for excuses. This won't work." If that doesn't work, try your best to stop us from working hard."

While talking, I thought it was funny, "No matter how smart you are, you are still a child, and your little face has become so anxious, and I can't see it if you look at it..."

Ye Laijin and his brothers also laughed.

"Firing a brazier is a bit of a hassle, but with such a high price here, it's worth the trouble."

"Isn't that the reason? Your father and I have lived most of our lives, and I haven't heard of vegetables that cost fifty cents a catty. Good guy, it's more expensive than fat meat!"

"When the vegetable field is ready, my second child and I will go to the mountain to cut firewood and come back. We will chop more hard firewood, which will be convenient for use."

"When the brazier is lit, my elder brother and I take turns guarding it."

Speaking of this, Lao Yetou suddenly figured it out.

"I reckon the second girl is desperately trying to stop you two because she feels sorry for the two of you and won't be able to sleep well in the future."

None of the masters are stupid, and you can understand this matter once you think about it.

Both Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin felt warm in their hearts.

Especially Ye Laiyin, who has such a caring daughter, is so moved but also so proud, and also a little frightened.

But this expression fell into Lao Yetou's eyes, and he suddenly felt strange.

Trying to suppress the discomfort in his heart, Lao Yetou tried his best to comfort himself, the second room and the family of three are fine, and the second girl is also filial, so don't think about those things.

During these days, he really regarded He Xiner as his own granddaughter, and because of the way she thought of making money for the family, he valued her more and more.

It is conceivable how furious Ye Guihua was when he yelled "exhausted account".

While feeling sorry for his son, he was also full of guilt for his son, and he really felt bad.

At that time, he really wanted to kill that unfilial daughter.

Taking another puff of the cigarette, Old Yetou's face was hidden in the thick smoke, and he said slowly, "Okay, I've been busy all day, go back and rest, I have work to do tomorrow."



Ye Laijin and his brothers didn't notice their father's mood, and went back to their houses to rest.

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  Hee hee, Reed is a little greedy~~
(End of this chapter)

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