The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 580 This can definitely be done

Chapter 580 This can definitely be done
"Is this the dish that the second girl has been working on for several days?"

Old Yetou sat on top, looking at the pot full of bacon and bean sprouts with surprise.

"Hey, it's this thing, Master, try it, is it good?"

He Xiner was grinning, her big eyes were bright.

In other words, this was her first time sending out bean sprouts. Looking at her masterpiece, He Xiner felt a sense of accomplishment.

Hehe, why is she so powerful, she succeeded once...

Seeing the terrified look on her face, Ye Xusheng couldn't stop laughing, she was waiting for others to praise her~
"Well, this dish is delicious and fragrant."

He Xiner specially selected the pork belly for this dish, and the cuts were not too old or young.

She was so excited about the bean sprouts she sent out, she wanted to show her off.

Don't look at such a simple home-cooked dish, but He Xiner cooks it with great care.

Stir-fry shallots and ginger, add peppercorns and star anise, stir-fry the pork belly to get fat, add soy sauce for coloring, and finally add bean sprouts and stir-fry. Add salt and pepper.

She was willing to add oil and added a lot of pork belly.

This dish is oily and full of flavor.

After eating it, Lao Yetou was full of praise, and was so happy that he closed his eyes with a smile, "Ah, this tastes good, not bad."

"Xiner girl is capable."

The little niece helped out in the vegetable garden every day, and even wandered around the bean sprouts when she was free, but Ye Laijin noticed it all, and he felt sorry for the little girl.

In his heart, Xin'er is the most obedient and sensible girl.

Ye Feifeng on the side heard her father praise He Xiner, her eyes were red, and she almost burst into tears.

The dead girl knows how to play every day, but her father still praises her for her ability?
It's just that she was unconvinced and dared not say anything.

No one else cares what she thinks.

"Xin'er made this well, it's another dish that can be eaten in winter."

Ye Laiyin was smiling, her eyes gleaming. Is the girl planning to earn money for the family again?
It's just that he hasn't discussed with his father whether to do it or not, so it's inconvenient to say anything more.

About the yellow sprouts, my father and I have always kept our mouths shut at home, of course to guard against the old Qian and his wife.

Now Ye Laiyin had something to say, and it was self-evident what he meant when he said that there were more edible dishes, and Lao Yetou couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

The reason why the yellow sprouts can be sold at such a high price is because there are no fresh vegetables to eat in winter, and the yellow sprouts are the only ones that are fresh and juicy, and the big restaurants pay a lot of money to buy them.

Is there another dish that can be eaten in winter now?
Is it possible to earn more money?
Thinking of silver, Lao Yetou's heart became hot.

This crop of yellow sprouts can be sold soon, if you add another kind of food, wouldn't the daily income be doubled?
Ah, this can definitely be done!
Old Yetou secretly poked a little excitement.

A black face was glowing with red light, and the dim old eyes were shining brightly.

So, the three of you gave each other a wink, which meant going to the vegetable garden for a meeting at night.

Ye Laijin and his brothers nodded to show that they understood.

In other words, they can sit at home and eat peacefully, because Ye Shitian specially ate early to help watch the brazier, so Ye Laiyin was free to go home.

Ye Laiyin narrowed his eyes slightly, and went to the vegetable garden to talk about something, so what does his father mean, the business of bean sprouts is no longer hidden from the boss?
Hey, when did his father become so open-minded?

According to his father's previous temper, he would never tell others how to make money so generously.

The matter of growing yellow sprouts should actually be regarded as a reward for the eldest family to stand up and defend their family in front of the whole village.

last time?
Suddenly thinking of the scene where the eight Ye Mantun brothers were fighting with the Ye Dahu brothers, Ye Laiyin understood what his father was thinking.

 Ask for tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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