The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 588 Your Master Has Made Up His Mind

Chapter 588 Your Master Has Made Up His Mind

Old Yetou laughed.

"Hey, Grandpa, try it."

"Yeah, um, good, good, crunchy and sweet."

While talking, Ye Xusheng lifted the curtain and came in.

They called people one by one.

"Sheng'er is back, let's have dinner."

Ye Laijin ladles rice porridge for his father, and Ye Laiyin serves stir-fried vegetables and steamed buns for his father. The two brothers serve very well and don't need old Qian's.

The hot food tastes good, and there are delicious snacks. It is rare for old Qian to not have a long face.

After finishing their meal safely, Wang's wife quickly cleared the table, washed the dishes quickly, and prepared to go back to her mother's house.

He Xiner went back to the house and changed into a jacket and skirt, and looked at the cloak, but she wasn't wearing it.

Sitting in the carriage, the wind does not blow to the body, so it is not too cold.

The most important thing is that no matter which one of her cloaks is worn in her grandma's house, it is very eye-catching.

Forget it, let's keep a low profile.

I found a makeup box and put two pink brocade ribbons and two sparkling beaded flowers.

She has only used it once or twice, and it is still very new, enough to coax the little girl.

When I have time to go to the town, I will buy a decent jewelry for my little cousin.

Lao Yetou also knew about Erfang's family going to his natal family, so he didn't say anything, and very openly ordered the second son to fetch a few catties of wine for the old father-in-law.

The second child has money by himself, and he doesn't need to pay for it.

So he was just saying nice things.

Ye Laiyin listened to it, but it was very useful. If it had been put in the past, his father would not have said such a thing.

He said goodbye to his father in a good mood.

He Xiner helped her mother into the ox cart, Ye Laiyin flicked the bullwhip, the big yellow ox walked unhurriedly, and the family of three went to visit relatives.

When the bullock cart left Yejia Village, He Xiner went straight to the stuffy carriage, then ran outside, sitting on the shaft carefully.

"Oh, it's cold outside, hurry up and sit inside."

Ye Laiyin was driving the car coldly, but he didn't expect his daughter to come out suddenly, so he couldn't help being anxious, the wind outside is cold, the daughter is delicate and tender, don't get sick anymore.

"This girl insists that the carriage is stuffy. I think she has something to tell you."

Wang opened the thick curtain with a gentle smile on his face.

"My jacket is thick, so it's not cold at all."

He Xiner was grinning.

Hehe, the little face was blown by the cold wind, and it was icy cold.

she regrets~
Should have put on the cloak...

"Is there anything that you can't go back and say? Do you have to say it in the cold wind? Xin'er is good, go talk with your mother."

Ye Laiyin coaxed her daughter softly.

"I'm really not cold, just say a few words to Dad."

"Well, tell me, dad, listen."

He Xiner smiled and looked back at her mother, but did not tell her to put down the curtain.

"Father, do you think that bean sprouts can be sold?"

"Hey, by the way, your grandfather has made up his mind to make a living with bean sprouts. He talked to your uncle yesterday, and the two of us should do it together..."

He Xiner was a little dumbfounded, her master really didn't let go of any chance to make money!

Seeing that his father didn't intend to stop for a while, He Xiner had no choice but to interrupt him, "Dad, dad~"

"Hey, Xiner said, Xiner said, dad is listening."


The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

When did her father change his temper?

It wasn't like this before?


After clearing her throat, He Xiner let out another breath, and said slowly and solemnly, "I want to teach my grandma how to grow bean sprouts, and my father knows the situation of my grandma's house. To make a living, the days to come will be easier."

The Wang family in the carriage opened her mouth wide in surprise and joy, and looked at her husband with vague anticipation.

Ye Laiyin, on the other hand, didn't expect her daughter to have such a plan at all, so she was a little dazed for a while.

"Dad, dad~"

He Xiner called softly.

"Hey, Dad is listening."

Ye Laiyin came back to his senses, couldn't help but glance at Wang Shi first, and then fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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