Chapter 590

Ye Laiyin was taken aback by his daughter's question.

"This bean sprouting looks simple, but it is quite cumbersome to do, not to mention washing beans, soaking water and so on, just picking beans is enough to grind people.

That is to say, to do business, it is not like eating a little at home is enough, you need more beans.

Ruoquan expects my mother and I to pick up beans every day, I'm afraid it won't work. "

He Xiner doesn't want to be around Douzi every day, she has more important things to do.

Ye Laiyin slapped his thigh, "Hey, my daughter is right, right, and I have to tell your grandfather about it later."

When my father and I were discussing the business yesterday, Ye Laiyin always felt that there was something he didn't expect, and now he finally knows something.

It turned out that they only wanted to sell bean sprouts, but they didn't want to produce bean sprouts.

This is really...

Chatting along the way, time passed quickly, and I entered Wangjiazhuang without knowing it.

Wang shi hung up the curtain all the way and listened to the father and two quietly, not feeling the cold and windy weather at all, her heart was hot and extremely excited.

This meeting entered Wangjiazhuang, and he became a little excited, leaning forward and looking out, as if he was about to jump off the car at any time.

The weather was cold, and there were no people on the street, only a few playful children were chasing and playing. I don’t know which one saw the bullock cart first, and shouted excitedly, “Ox cart, bull cart, there’s bull cart!

Well, a group of leather children are all interested, and they are rushing towards the old Ye family's bullock cart with the same goal, chattering in their mouths, it's so lively~
Mrs. Wang has been married for many years and doesn't know these half-grown children. Seeing all of them alive and well, she was also happy, and the smile on the corner of her mouth never stopped.

Until the bullock cart stopped outside the old Wang's house, those children still followed to watch the fun.

"Father, the bullock cart can't get in."

He Xiner jumped out of the car, stomped her numb feet, breathed out to warm her hands, and then reached out to help her mother.

"Well, you go in first and call for someone to get something."

Unexpectedly, there was no need for them to shout, there were children who followed the excitement and ran in to report the news, "Xiang Zhong, Xiang Zhong, relatives are coming from your family, and they are driving a big ox cart, Xiang Zhong, Xiang Zhong... ..."

It turns out that this kid is a good friend of Sanfang Wang Xiangzhong~
He Xiner laughed.

In winter, Lao Wang's family all stay at home with Mao Dong.

In order to save some rations, I only eat two meals a day, and I don't eat lunch.

There was nothing to do, and it was freezing cold outside, and the whole family was lying on the kang to spend the day.

My stomach was growling with hunger, when I heard that some relatives were coming to drive an ox cart, I immediately regained my spirits, put on my old jacket in a hurry, dragged my shoes and ran outside.

Especially Jiang Shi of the second room, who ran faster than anyone else.

He Xiner and his wife heard a high-pitched voice calling repeatedly, "Is the eldest sister here?"

Wang's face outside the door suddenly became uncomfortable.

He Xiner rolled her eyes.

Ye Laiyin was also a little speechless.

Mainly, the old Wang's family didn't have any rich relatives. At the first hearing of driving an ox cart, the only thing Jiang could think of was the Li family.

Could it be that the Ge family bought an ox cart with such a large sum of money?
Oh, if I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have fallen out with my eldest sister last time.

My mind was spinning rapidly, and my feet were not running slowly. When I reached the door, people giggled before they could see it clearly, "Oh, my eldest sister's family is amazing, and it took me a while to buy a bullock cart..."

Is this because both eyes are glued to the buttocks of the big yellow cow?

There are three of them in their family, and several big living people are standing here, so they can't see it!
He Xiner complained crazily in her heart.

"Hey, this big yellow ox is worth a lot of money, right? Look, look, this cow is really strong, tsk, tsk, tsk..."


He Xiner couldn't help laughing anymore, "Haha..."

Hearing the laughter, Jiang reluctantly moved his eyes away from the buttocks of the cow.

(End of this chapter)

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