The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 600 Sister Won't Tell You

Chapter 600 Sister Won't Tell You

"Sister Xin'er, don't cry, I will love you in the future!"

He Xiner pretended to be pitiful with all seriousness, and made Wang Jinling anxious. She threw herself on her and stretched out her little hand to wipe her tears.


Wang, who was watching, couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Ha ha……"

He Xiner couldn't pretend anymore, she raised her head and laughed.

"Okay, Miss Xin'er is a liar."

"Well, then, are you going to say 'I'll never talk to you again'?"

He Xiner had a narrow smile on her face, her eyes were squinted like a little fox.

Unexpectedly, the little girl Wang Jinling didn't play her cards according to the routine at all.

"Hey, I'll follow you from now on!"

He Xiner was astonished.

"I lied to you, shouldn't you be angry and ignore me?"

"Hey, I don't know as much as you do?"

Wang Jinling waved her small hand, as if not fussing with fools, almost made He Xiner bite her tongue.

Wasn't it like this when I saw this girl last time?
Wang's eyes narrowed early with a smile, all the girls looked at her strangely, even if she didn't do anything, she was happy just watching them talk.

Ye Laiyin, who was driving the car, was also in a good mood. Both the mother and the daughter were very fond of the little girl, and he was also envious, alas, if he could have another child, it would be good to be with the daughter as a companion, regardless of whether it was a son or a daughter...

He Xiner's demonic laughter came from the carriage, and Ye Laiyin's thoughts returned to him, and he pursed his lips lightly. Those things are all up to fate, and he is content with having a daughter.

Talking and laughing, they returned to Yejia Village soon. The north wind roared outside, and the cold wind blew. He Xiner lifted the curtain and took a look, "Mother, let's make a thick cloak for dad, and wear it when driving."

"Yes, what Xin'er said is right, the wind outside is too strong, it's really cool to blow on your body, why didn't mother come to this floor."

Wang was a little annoyed, she only knew how to make a thick jacket, but she couldn't think of making a cloak.

In fact, I don't blame her, it's good for farmers to wear thick jackets, who wears cloaks and cloaks?
It's not normal to think of it for a while.

"Is the cloak easy to make?"

"Easy to do, easy to do, no sleeves, easy to do."

He Xiner nodded.

"By the way, Miss Ling is here, and I happen to make one for you too, so you won't be afraid of heavy snowfall."

"Thank you, Second Aunt, Second Aunt is the best~"

The little girl began to be good again, which made Wang very happy.

And He Xiner frowned slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Sister Xin'er, what are you thinking?"

Returning to her senses for a moment, He Xiner smiled mysteriously and said, "Sister, I won't tell you..."

"Ah, good sister, just tell me, tell me~"

"Hey hey, stop shaking, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy..."

How could Wang Jinling let her go? Not only did she not stop, but she got even worse, shaking her arms in her arms, and even threw herself on He Xiner's body. of.

Yes with a coquettish little milk dog~
"Haha, the little girl's energy is really strong, ouch, she almost knocked me down, haha..."

Seeing the quarrel between the two, Wang nearly burst into tears, and said cheerfully, "You better tell her, otherwise she won't give up."

"Okay, okay, okay, little girl, get up quickly, my sister said it's not enough!"

Little friend Wang immediately sat up straight, raised her face and said solemnly, "Sister Xin'er, tell me, I'm listening~"

This little girl can do it!
"Human kid is big~"

Pulling the little girl into his arms, Wang Shixu nodded at her forehead and smiled at her.

"The family is not small~"

"Well, well, it's not too young, our girl Ling is a big girl."

He Xiner was completely ignored, and sighed softly, "I've fallen out of favor before I get home..."

One sentence provoked the little girl again, and she rushed forward again, her eyes flickering, "Say it, say it, don't try to get away with it."


(End of this chapter)

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