Chapter 602 I'm Not Scared

Mrs. Wang just made two bowls of fried noodles, and was amused by her niece, who was serious about coaxing children, "My lord~"


Little Wang Jinling blinked and blinked again, looking curiously at the little bubble on his hand.

"Okay, let's wash it off with clean water."

He Xiner felt a bit like a kindergarten teacher, holding the well-behaved little friend Wang felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Mother, bring the cold warm water in the cup and rinse your hands."

"There are so many things to pay attention to. Why can't you wash the basin with so old water? You have to rinse it again every time."

Speaking of her daughter's strange problem, Wang couldn't help laughing, and she didn't know where she got it from.

Although he was scolding, he quickly came over with a large porcelain cup and poured his hands on them.

Little Wang Jinling was immediately confused by this operation. She hadn’t figured out what the fragrant thing was just now. Now this, this is even more puzzling. Didn’t this hand be washed clean? What does water mean?
After flushing again, He Xiner felt relieved, and gently wiped the little girl's hands with a snow-white cotton towel, "Haha, it's all right, white and clean."

"You two drink your saliva first, and then eat the fried noodles. Mother will cook."

Looking at the window covered with white paper, it's not too early to cook, He Xiner nodded and said, "Mother, drink some water first before doing any work."

Wang Shi hurriedly changed into a blue coarse cloth jacket, then took the teacup handed over by her daughter, and drank most of it in one go.

"I'll take my cousin to the milkhouse to say hello in a while."

Putting down the teacup, Mrs. Wang glanced at her niece, and before she could speak, He Xiner opened her mouth.

"Well, you two should drink while it's hot."


Her mother left in a hurry, and her father didn't come back, so he probably went directly to the vegetable garden to help.

"Is my cousin hungry? Have a bowl of fried noodles first."

Pulling the dazed little Wang Jinling to sit down, He Xiner handed her a glass of water, "Take a sip of hot water first."

It was the exquisite tea set that little Wang Jinling saw just now, the pink-bottomed flower-and-bird teacup, the little girl suddenly felt that the small teacup weighed a thousand catties, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly held it with both hands, fearing that she might not care. It fell.

Taking a sip of the water in the glass, his eyes drifted unconsciously towards the two bowls of fried noodles.

What is so fragrant?

In fact, He Xiner had already noticed the strangeness of the little girl, she was too quiet.

It's just a child, it's inevitable that you will feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment, just get used to it.

It was better not to ask her, she got used to it quickly.

If you ask her, it will cause her uneasiness.

So, He Xiner was still laughing and joking, the little girl didn't speak, and she didn't ask.

No, after the little girl took a sip of fried noodles, she immediately exclaimed in surprise, "It's so sweet! It's delicious!"

"Haha, just drink it if you like it, drink it quickly, or it will get cold in a while."


With delicious food and He Xiner's attitude as usual, little Wang Jinling finally let go of her temper.

Fragrant and sweet fried noodles, just one sip is enough to make people want to stop.

The two sisters drank sizzlingly, not to mention how happy they were.

"Hi~ Sister Xin'er, I'm very full."

Hehe, with such a big bowl, He Xiner said that she was full, let alone a little girl.

The two of them were a little supportive, so they eased up a little. He Xiner helped the little girl put on a new jacket, looked around, and said with a smile, "The size is just right."

Little Wang Jinling, who was wearing a new padded jacket, was so happy that he could see his teeth but not his eyes.

"Go, go and meet my old lady."

He Xiner winked at the little girl, "The old lady is very fierce, are you afraid?"

"I'm not scared, so I won't be fooled by you~"

Hey, this little girl is really...

(End of this chapter)

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