The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 604 Wasn't it the promised housekeeper?

Chapter 604 Wasn't it the promised housekeeper?
My mind wandered, and I was miraculously less afraid.

He Xiner slowly opened her eyes, and saw the big brother standing a few steps away with the dog, looking at her with a troubled expression.

"This is cousin's big cousin, you should call him big cousin."

The dog was far away, so He Xiner relaxed a lot, and first introduced the big brother to the little girl seriously.

"Big cousin."

Wang Jinling's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Ye Xusheng curiously. The general only looked at the dog, and didn't take a good look at the person.

Uh ~
This big cousin is different from the brothers in the family!

Not to mention good-looking, well, the whole person is also very energetic.

The little girl has little vocabulary, and she doesn't know how to describe the handsome young man in front of her. Anyway, she just thinks it looks good.

"Big cousin, this is my third uncle's cousin, Jin Ling."

It's ridiculous for two people to stand a few steps away and talk in the cold wind.

But He Xin'er didn't feel cold now, she was full of thoughts about where the big brother was going to bring back such a big dog.

"Hello cousin."

Clear voice.

The little girl blinked and smiled sweetly. She likes this big cousin.

"Big brother, where did this dog come from?"

Pointing at the big snow-white dog with her small hand, He Xiner had a frightened expression on her face.

"Dongqiang heard that I wanted to raise a dog, so he looked for it for me."

Ye Xusheng's voice has a soothing effect, "Although this dog is tall and big, it has a docile temperament and will not hurt people easily."

The dog given by Brother Zhang?

He Xiner nodded, and became even more curious about Zhang Dongqiang's identity, but as the eldest brother said, if Brother Zhang didn't tell, they naturally wouldn't ask.

"Big cousin, I think the dog looks very good, can you pet it?"

The heart that had just been put back into her stomach was suspended in the air again, He Xiner was speechless, why is the little girl so courageous?
Ye Xusheng, who was being questioned, smiled lightly, and comforted He Xiner first: "Xiner, don't be afraid, you'll be fine."

Then he said to the little girl, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

Patting her chest, Wang Jinling thinks she is very imposing, but she is actually cute and cute.

"Well, then you can touch it."

The little girl grinned happily, walked to the dog's side generously, stretched out her little hand and touched the dog's big head unceremoniously, "Hey, you look so white, so pretty~"

He Xiner was not at ease, so she also walked over, getting closer to the dog, she was a little nervous, her whole body was tense.

"This dog was specially found by Dong Qiang. It is naturally not an ordinary dog. Don't worry, Xin'er."

After Ye Xusheng finished speaking, he suddenly laughed again, "You came up with the idea of ​​raising a dog. Brother, do you still think you like dogs?"

He Xiner was a little embarrassed, and smiled, "I thought about raising a puppy and feeding it slowly, how could I have thought it would be such a tall dog?"

"By the way, did Brother Zhang look for it on purpose?"


The two of them were talking, and Wang Jinling was already having a great time with the big dog, giggling and laughing coquettishly, extremely happy.

He Xiner blinked, completely relieved.

He poked Ye Xusheng's arm, signaling him to come closer and speak.

Ye Xusheng had to bend over to match her height.

"Big brother, this dog's temperament is like a prince, it's too that, um, that's too..."

Unable to think of a suitable word for a moment, He Xiner stomped her feet, "It's just that its temperament really doesn't match our family!"

Ye Xusheng chuckled, "Then how about letting it be with you? It is specially used to protect you?"

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

Isn't it a good care home?

"Don't Xin'er like it?"

"Like is like..."

Itchy hands~
Well, wet, warm, slippery...

Something is licking her hand~
 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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