The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 623 Little Greedy Cat Waits Patiently for a Moment

Chapter 623 Little Greedy Cat Waiting Patiently

He Xiner was furious like a puffer fish.

Hey, you little milk doll dare to make fun of sister!

Miss joke, right?
You can also make a mahua, sister, take a look.

So, under He Xiner's menacing gaze, little Wang Jinling rubbed a twist, the size was just right, the thickness was even, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

"Haha, this is really fun, like rubbing mud."

The little girl's hands are not big, but she is very dexterous, twisting twists like playing, and there are several in a while.

But don't treat it like mud, He Xiner is a little incapable of accepting it.

"Cough, cough, cousin, this is for food~"

"Yes, I know. Mud can't be eaten, but twist can be eaten."


So well said, it made me speechless.

He Xiner couldn't do anything with her, and seeing that she was rubbing sneakily, she couldn't use herself, so she had to fetch the frozen cat's ear dough and prepared to cut it into thin slices.

Hey, why is this thing as frozen as a stone egg, can't it be frozen?
It's over, it's too cold today, it's frozen into ice lumps~
He Xiner wanted to cry but had no tears.

At first, I just watched her mother do it, and it was like playing with the cutting, but now it's my turn to do it myself, so I know that's not the case.

It's also my fault that she didn't use her brain. It's too cold today, so she shouldn't be freezing outside.

The little girl was still making twists cheerfully, but He Xiner was embarrassed to be idle, so she quietly put the dough into the basin, put it near the stove for a while, and pretended to find the whetstone.

Hmm, sharpen the knife.

Seeing the little girl rubbing the dough for two curtains, He Xiner hurriedly took out the dough, it was still a bit hard, tried it, and it was okay, she could cut it.

He quickly cut all the dough, and rubbed out all the twists.

"Haha, twist twisting is so much fun, I haven't had enough of it~"

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched, and she decided to ignore her.

The frying pan was boiled dry, half of the pan was poured with oil, and when small bubbles formed, He Xiner started frying twisted doughnuts.

"Cousin, stay away, but don't get burned."

The little girl had never seen anyone cook like this, so she couldn't help being a little excited, excitedly circling around the stove, chattering, He Xiner didn't know what she was talking about, so she couldn't help being funny.

"Wow, it smells so good~"

The oil pan was tumbling, and the golden twist was tumbling, and the sweet smell penetrated into the nostrils, making Wang Jinling's saliva flow.

"Haha, this pot will be ready soon, little cat will wait patiently."

He Xiner held a long-handled strainer, carefully stirred the twists in the oil pan, and teased her with a smile.

In front of the delicious food, the little girl didn't care about her personal image, she drool, and stared at the frying pan eagerly, without blinking.

Even Dabai, who has always been arrogant, smelled the fragrance, and stopped wandering around, standing in a row with the little girl, as if waiting for someone to feed him.

He Xiner accidentally stared at the salivating dog, and couldn't help but twitch her brows.

Ouch ancestors, you are a dog!

a dog!

Actually like to eat snacks!
He Xiner didn't know what to say about it, so she simply ignored it.

After taking out the fried mahua, He Xiner told the little girl, "Let it cool down before eating, be careful not to burn it."

"Hey, okay~"

The little girl kept going around the twist basket, taking advantage of He Xiner's busy schedule and ignoring her spare time, she stretched out her little hand and quickly took one and threw it into her mouth, "Oh~ it's so hot, so hot."

The temperature of the twist just out of the oil pan is still very high, and the little girl is scalded directly~
"Ha ha……"

Hearing the movement, He Xiner turned her head and looked over. Seeing her like this, what else did she not understand?
Immediately couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"It makes you greedy, have you suffered a lot now?"

Although the little girl was screaming happily, she didn't even shed a tear, so she knew that she was fine, so He Xiner wasn't worried.

(End of this chapter)

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