The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 625 Well, That's My Cousin

Chapter 625 Well, That's My Cousin

Chen Xing is the eldest son of Chen Dawang, the poorest family in Yejia Village. He is 14 years old this year. His mother is the Yang family who loves to gossip.

There is nothing to do in winter, the Chen family always only eats two meals, saying that it is two meals, which is not much different from eating one meal, because for breakfast, each person only has two bowls of muddled porridge, and there is no dry food at all.

That little thing doesn't depend on the time at all, and before noon, my stomach is growling with hunger.

Yang was so hungry that she hid in bed and slept, not caring about the children at home.

It's not that she is cruel, in fact, the food at home is abundant, if not counting, she will eat as much as she wants, and when the disaster is over, she can only drink the northwest wind.

Before the wild vegetables grow in spring, the whole family will starve to death.

It's freezing cold outside on the left and right. How nice it is to lie in bed and sleep, and you won't be hungry when you fall asleep.

She could sleep well every day, but the few half-grown children couldn't stay at home.

Besides, I'm so hungry that I feel uncomfortable, so it's good to go out and find something to eat.

Just like that, Chen Xing took his two younger brothers and a few younger ones from his cousin's family, took the family's old bamboo baskets and ran to the street, ready to catch house sparrows and burn them to eat.

It's just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

They've been lying here for an hour, but they haven't caught a single house sparrow.

The jacket on his body was stiff and not warm at all, and the single shoes under his feet did not have any effect of keeping warm, and his feet were already numb from the cold and lost consciousness.

The biting cold wind blew on the body like money, and the brothers and sisters of the Chen family were all frozen into ice sculptures.

It's just that going back like this was not reconciled, and the general was almost caught, but he flew away again.

Just a little bit off.

Just a little bit of luck.

It will definitely work next time.

They are not greedy for more, just grab one or two, drink some soup, and warm their burning stomachs from hunger.

So, several people continued to lie in the snow nest, waiting patiently.

At this time, little friend Wang Jinling ran over excitedly.

Among the brothers and sisters of the Chen family, the youngest is called Chen Xiaolian, the sister of Uncle Chen Xingtang's family, who is about the same age as Wang Jinling.

Little girl Chen Xiaolian's face was red from the cold, she was sucking her nose, lying in the snow nest and staring at the bamboo basket not far away, when a round-faced young lady in a red cloak blocked her view, the little guy was a little dazed.

"Little sister, how long have you been here? How many house sparrows have you caught?"

Little friend Wang Jinling came up to her with a smile, and squatted beside her with a cloak, looking very familiar.

"who are you?"

The little guy continued to be confused.

"My name is Wang Jinling, here, that's my cousin."

Little girl Wang Jinling is quite proud to introduce her beautiful sister Xin'er to others.

The brothers and sisters of the Chen family all followed her fingers to look at the people coming and going.

On the vast white land, a girl in a red cloak walked towards the crowd with a smile on her face. Behind her was a majestic big snow-white dog.

The bright red cloak is very beautiful and beautiful, and there is a pure white rabbit embroidered on the lower right corner, which is small and cute.

The hat was inlaid with a circle of snow-white rabbit fur, and it was tightly buttoned on the girl's head, revealing only a small white and pink face, with bright eyes that were kind and eager to look forward to.

Where did this little fairy come from?
The Chen brothers were in a daze.

They had never seen anyone dressed like this in the village.

And that dog, all white, tall and handsome, extravagant, majestic, looks noble.

However, it followed the girl very obediently, with a well-behaved appearance.

This, this is her dog?
That's right, the average dog is not good enough for her.

Chen Xing's heart seemed to be lightly brushed by a feather, itchy and numb, and suddenly jumped up again, almost bursting out of his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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