The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 627 This Little Ancestor Will Too Much Trouble For Her

Chapter 627 This Little Ancestor Will Too Much Trouble For Her

Hmph, she could see clearly, there wasn't a single house sparrow around them, at first she kindly wanted to help them catch it, but now she changed her mind.

She just stood guard here, and if any house sparrows came, she would ask Dabai to make trouble for them, and tell them not to try to catch any of them.

The little girl Wang Jinling puffed her mouth, stared, pinched her waist and looked fierce, making the Chen brothers and sisters dumbfounded.

He Xiner wanted to stroke her forehead.

What is this little ancestor going to do?
She was the one who wanted to play with others, and now she is the one who turned his face, there is really no one~

He Xiner laughed awkwardly.

Before she could come up with something to put the matter to rest, Chen Xing, the eldest brother and sister of the Chen family, said, "Cousin, cousin doesn't mean that..."

As he spoke, Chen Xing got up from the ground, but when he met He Xiner's gaze, his face flushed quickly, his eyes flickered and he dared not look at her clear gaze, and his heart seemed to want to rush out of his throat. His eyes jumped so violently that he was so frightened that he swallowed the words that followed.

"Then what does he mean? He will obviously dislike Dabai!"

They all took the initiative to explain, but the little girl still refused to let her go, with an air of being unreasonable and unforgiving, and vowed to break this matter down before she could finish it.

He Xiner fell down.

I didn't see it, this little ancestor is still a little pepper!


He Xiner felt that her smile must be very ugly now, but there was nothing she could do, who made her little ancestor not afraid of causing trouble~
"Cousin, you..."

"I, I didn't dislike it..."

With a weak voice, accompanied by extreme caution, Chen Fu also climbed up from the ground, with a pitiful appearance, hurriedly explaining.

Because he found that the big dog was staring at him with dissatisfaction as if he could understand human speech. The gloomy look in his eyes was really scary, and his scalp went numb from fright. He was really afraid that if he didn't explain clearly, the dog would pounce on him and bite him.

After stuttering and finishing speaking, Chen Fu hid behind Chen Xing tremblingly, not daring to say another word, nor did he dare to look at Dabai.

The other children of the Chen family also got up from the ground. Although they didn't hide behind Chen Xing, they all looked at Dabai with some anxiety.

He Xiner...

Is she a big villain who bullies others?
The villain is as cute as her?

What are you thinking~
He Xiner pulled the corners of her mouth, and smiled awkwardly, "My cousin has a childish temper, so don't let others say Dabai is bad, don't worry about it~"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and coaxed his little ancestor, "Cousin, you don't think that's what he meant, you misunderstood."

The little girl blinked, and suddenly smiled brightly, "Little brother, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Call ~
He Xiner exhaled quietly.

This little ancestor will find trouble for her too much.

Chen Fu stretched out a small thin hand from Chen Xing's back, and waved carelessly, "No, nothing."

"Hey, let's catch a house sparrow together, shall we?"

The little girl thinks that this problem has been exposed, well, since they don't dislike Dabai, she can still play with them.

Hey, she's just that generous.

He Xiner was overwhelmed again.

A villain in my heart was shouting crazily: She doesn't know this cheeky little girl!
do not know!
do not know!
In other words, is it too late for her to sneak away now?

It's really embarrassing~
The little girl didn't have any self-consciousness, and walked forward with great interest, picked up the hemp rope on the ground and tugged, "Is this rope a bit thick?"

The bamboo basket not far away popped into the snow nest.

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

"Hey, it fell down so quickly, it's designated to hold the house sparrow. I'll go and prop it up."

Hey little ancestor, don't you see that he is not comfortable coming here, just have fun on your own~
(End of this chapter)

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