The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 631 Be good, listen to the chapter

Chapter 631 Be obedient and obedient

If it weren't for the fact that she did something bad with good intentions and almost killed the little baby, she wouldn't be here for so long. .

Call ~
Exhale deeply~
Turning around, he put on a proper smile again, and his tone was even softer, "Sister Xiaolian, Dabai won't catch house sparrows. It's here, but it will spoil your play..."

Dabai rubbed his head against He Xiner very dissatisfied.

Seeing that the ancestor was about to make a fuss again, He Xiner hurriedly hugged its fluffy head with her free hand, and leaned close to its ear and coaxed, "Be good, be obedient."

The picture of the girl with crooked eyebrows hugging the big white dog with a doting face deeply stimulated Chen Xing's eyeballs.

That snow-white and extravagant dog made him feel ashamed.

Inexplicably, I was so sad that I was suffocating, and I couldn't breathe...

No one knew what was going on in his mind, that He Xiner helped the ancestor who was about to blow up, and this little girl also coaxed the little baby in a good voice, "Little sister, come to me if you want to eat mahua, yes Now, do you know where my second aunt's house is?"

He Xiner almost lost her temper~
Still eat mahua?

This time, she was almost scared out of her wits!
The little baby's breath was as weak as a kitten's. She choked on the food and she would never be able to cough it out by herself. If she didn't know a little bit about first aid, maybe she would really make a fuss today. Kill someone.

Just think about it.

She doesn't want to be in this kind of trouble again.

Ever since he noticed someone setting up an ambush on the path, Ye Xusheng never walked the path to and from school. It snowed all night last night, the weather was cold and the road was slippery, and the teacher assigned homework and class ended early.

Going home on the main road, he naturally had to pass the north-south street in the village. Ye Xusheng saw He Xiner wearing a red cloak from a long distance, and saw that she was holding a basket in one hand and Dabai in the other. He didn't know what he was whispering in his head, and his eyebrows and eyes were crooked with a smile.

Ye Xusheng didn't know what it was like.

It's not that I don't want to see Dabai.

This He Xiner coaxed Dabai well, and just about to interrupt the little girl, she heard a familiar clear voice, "Xin'er~"

"Big brother!"

He Xin'er's eyes sparkled, and she happily ran towards Ye Xusheng.

"Big brother, why are you back so early today?"

"Run slowly, don't fall..."

The fiery red cloak danced with the wind, and the bright girl with an innocent smile ran towards him with eyes full of surprise. Ye Xusheng's heart was filled instantly, and he automatically ignored the annoying Dabai, and only focused on the girl in front of him. , the eyes are so full of pampering that it almost overflows.

"Hey, big cousin is back, little sister, I'm leaving..."

He Xiner on the other end chatted happily with the eldest brother, and the little girl Wang Jinling on the other end hurriedly bid farewell to her new friend, and then ran away in a hurry.

"Brother Lobby, Sister Xin'er~"

Dabai waited for the little girl to move, and then walked gracefully, left unhurriedly, and went to find its master.

Chen Xiaolian, who looked like a kitten, was still sniffling and muttering "the dog is catching a house sparrow", but was too scared to make a sound by his brother's fierce look.

Chen Xing stared at his little fairy in a daze, talking non-stop around Ye Xusheng with a bright smile, that smile almost dazzled his eyes, it was not the kind of polite smile that Jiang Jiang was talking to them, but, rather ...

Chen Xing has never read a book and lacks vocabulary in his mind. He can't describe the little fairy's smile, but he just knows that she is happy, from the bottom of his heart, that's why she can smile so beautifully and charmingly.

He knew about Ye Xusheng, and he also knew that he was studying in the private school in Lijia Village, and some time ago, people in the village had rumored that Ye Xusheng was not only good at reading, but also good at martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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