Chapter 636
Under Yang's repeated questioning, Chen Cai stumbled and talked about what Wang Jinling told Chen Xiaolian about where her second aunt's house was.

Is there a family with cows in the east of the village?
Mrs. Yang finally matched the person, and the person who delivered the food must be a girl from Ye Laiyin's family.

But when did she raise a big snow-white dog?
Bah, it doesn't matter when she raised it, she is a big spendthrift, she burns money if she has some money, what kind of big white dog does she raise in a village.

But when she thought of the old white fat meat that He Xiner bought that time, Yang couldn't help swallowing.

Alas, if others can stick to it to take advantage of it, but her family's advantage is not easy to take advantage of, especially the kid from Ye Laijin's family, who is even more ruthless.

Hmph, there is no one good in that family. If you have a way to make money, you will know how to cover it up and hide it, not to mention helping the big guys. They are all from the same village. It makes no sense that your family is so rich. But the truth of watching others starve to death.

Selfish stuff!

Yang was full of resentment, and his face was alternately annoyed and hated, so scared that Yang wanted to sneak out.

No, that girl from Ye Laiyin's family is not an easy talker, why is she so kind to feed her children all of a sudden?
Moreover, it is still the expensive food.

Rare than white flour steamed buns.

If it were her, killing her would not be willing to give away such exquisite food.

This is wrong~
Those two times she took the initiative to go up to her and held the girl's hand to talk. The little girl obviously didn't want to see her. He seemed to speak with a cold face and cold eyes.

Hmph, I don't know what to lift, I don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is!

With Xiong Dexing like that, if he becomes a married person, and in the hands of his mother-in-law, he will definitely be severely honed.

No matter how rich your natal family is, you can still let your mother-in-law handle it when you arrive at your in-law's house.

How about being rich?
Her mother can't even give birth to a son, and she won't even have anyone to support her in the future.

Hmph, if you have money, you can give it to your in-laws!
Thinking of it this way, Yang's heart felt refreshed, and just about to swear a few words with the corners of his mouth, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Yang jumped up cleverly.

"Hey, why didn't I think of it! How could that girl be so generous? Hey, it turns out...haha..."

Yang Cai, who had just walked to the door of the main room with small steps, was startled by his mother's sudden crazy laughter. Looking back, he saw his mother walking towards him in a hurry, with a smug look on her face. With a distorted demeanor, he was stunned at the time, and he didn't dare to move when he stood still.

However, Mrs. Yang didn't have time to talk to her youngest son at all, she was so excited that she was trembling when she walked, and she just walked out of the main room with a heavy foot and a shallow foot.

Walking into the East Wing with her legs in circles, Yang tried her best to suppress the urge to scream, and said with a trembling voice, "Second one, get out!"

Chen Xing was still lying on the kang in a daze, while Chen Wang and his elder brother were lying in a row, dozing off with eyes closed, his mother was startled by the suddenness, and was a little dazed.


Seeing that the second son didn't even move, Yang suddenly became furious.

Chen Wang subconsciously went to look at his elder brother, who nodded slightly to him, so without saying a word, he jumped from the kang to the ground and left the room in a hurry.

"Boss, get up, sit up and talk."

Yang's face was full of joy, her mouth was wide open so that she could not hang it behind her ears, while talking, she got on the kang quickly, sat cross-legged on the top of the kang, her dark eyes were shining brightly.

Chen Xing still didn't move.

Yang Shi was very excited and didn't bother with him.


Thinking of her guess, Yang couldn't help but giggled before the words came out~
(End of this chapter)

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