The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 641 Dabai, shall we make up?

Chapter 641 Dabai, shall we make up?

Then, she was surprised to find that Dabai gave her another look.

The little girl immediately felt deeply hurt, she pouted and acted like a baby: "Sister Xin'er, did you see it now? Dabai is bullying me again!"

He Xiner couldn't laugh or cry.

"How about, cousin beat it up to vent your anger?"

This time it was Dabai who refused to follow him, and jumped in front of He Xiner, pushing his big fluffy head into her arms.

"Haha...don't push, my sister is about to lose her footing~"

He Xiner couldn't resist this kind of cute creature, she couldn't stop giggling when she was touched by it, she really couldn't stand still.

The little girl quietly came up and put her arms around Dabai's neck, "Hey, I caught you, let's see where you go!"

Dabai shook his head unwillingly, He Xiner was afraid that it would knock the little girl to the ground, so she quickly bent down and hugged its big fluffy head, and looked into Dabai's eyes with a smile, "Don't be so mean~"

So, Dabai is very magnanimous to toss about the little girl casually.

The little girl giggled and rubbed Dabai's fluffy head. After rubbing enough, she hugged Dabai's neck and discussed with it, "Dabai, shall we make up?"


He Xiner couldn't help laughing out loud.

The little girl didn't care whether people laughed or not, she excitedly shouted, "Dabai, let's play in the snow again!"

So, one person and one dog started the game of stepping on footprints again. It was so much fun to jump around, and the little girl giggled from time to time~
He Xiner ignored her and continued to watch her big brother build a snowman.

"Hey, the big brother is really fast."

Ye Xusheng chuckled, "This snowman is simple."

With a chubby body and a round head, it’s quite interesting to be simple, but it’s a pity that there is no carrot for the nose, and the eyes can’t be used, the surrounding is full of snow, and it’s hard to find even a small stone.

"Hey, there, I'm going to get a piece of charcoal for eyes."

"Xin'er is waiting, brother will get it."

Ye Xusheng was afraid that she would get her hands dirty, so he told her to wait, then went straight to the backyard and came back soon.After leaving the gate, he watched He Xiner make various gestures at the snowman with two dry branches.

"Brother, let's take a look, how about using this as a snowman's arm?"

Ye Xusheng held back his laughter, and said gently, "It's just as long as you like it."

"Hey, this branch was blown down by the wind last night. It's too dry and not in good shape. It doesn't meet my requirements."

"Tell Big Brother what Xin'er wants, and I'll pick it."

While speaking, he pressed the two round black charcoals prepared in his hand on the snowman, and the snowman with eyes immediately became energetic.

"That's good, how did the hall brother do it?"

"This is taken from the stick that Second Aunt used to light the fire."

"Haha, brother hall really has a way..."

He Xiner grinned heartily, and Ye Xusheng had a faint smile on his lips, happily accompanying her.

The snowman has eyes, and his arms have to be decent to be fun.

So, He Xiner asked the big hall brother to find two straighter branches for her even with gestures, and one with branches at the end, three or four branches would be fine, straight to the point that it was the snowman's hand.

Ye Xusheng...

Well, Xin'er likes it, so he naturally has to find a way to find out.

When Ye Laiyin drove the ox cart into the alley, he heard his little niece and daughter shouting from afar: "Wow, wow! Big cousin is amazing!"

"Big brother, be careful!"

Subconsciously, Ye Laiyin looked in the direction of the two little girls' heads, and found that his eldest nephew, who was the most calm in the family, had climbed a tree!
Almost all the boys in the country have done things like climbing trees and digging out bird nests, but it’s not a big deal, but the problem is that it snowed all night last night, and a thick layer fell on the tree, so it’s not easy to climb. ~
(End of this chapter)

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