The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 644 It Eats Xuebao's Jealousy

Chapter 644 It Eats Xuebao's Jealousy

With Ye Xusheng's help, He Xiner finally finished Xue Bao's nose, and then enthusiastically gesticulated how to draw Xue Bao's mouth.

Well, yes, she just said, Ye Xusheng was the one who did it.

Fortunately, Ye Xusheng's comprehension ability is relatively strong, oh, and his hands-on ability is also good.

Soon, a Xuebao with a huge grin and front teeth bared was ready.

"Haha, this Xuebao is a bit fat~"

He Xiner circled around the snowman, feeling so good that she flew away~
This snowman is a large snow treasure, haha...

Wang Jinling's children also gathered around to watch the fun, jumping happily, "It's fun, it's fun, it's the first time I've seen such a snowman!"

The two sisters were laughing and joking, not to mention their joy.

Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered as he watched the two of them quarreling quietly. He felt a little awkward, and always felt that this snowman was weird.

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure out why, and couldn't help laughing, this is something he made with his own hands, and he can't run with long legs, so it's not surprising.

Well, I don't want to~
"Dabai, Dabai, look how cute Xuebao is, and has a big long nose, so interesting!"

The little girl had finished walking around Xuebao, and went to tease Dabai again.

But the arrogant Dabai squinted at Xue Bao, and then ran away without looking back.

Naturally, he ran back to the courtyard.

"Huh? What's wrong with Dabai?"

"It's jealous of Xuebao."

He Xiner answered firmly and definitely.

The little girl was stunned, then she came to her senses and grinned, "I'll coax Dabai to go."

"Ha ha……"

Thinking of the scene where the big and small ancestors were together, one arrogant and ignoring others, the other smiling and pestering others, it must be very funny, He Xiner couldn't help laughing.

Ye Xusheng also laughed, "Go back, it's cold outside."


There was a brazier in the main room, and finally there was a little heat. Lao Yetou sat on it, rubbing the pipe, feeling very good.

In previous winters, I never had a brazier, so I survived like that.

But since the brazier was built in the vegetable shed, he got used to the warm temperature and could no longer bear the biting cold.

Hey, tell him that a brazier should have been lit in the main room long ago, it's not comfortable to have a meal in the coolness.

It was also because I was too busy, so I didn't think about it. Fortunately, I have a bullock cart at home, so I can do some shopping.

No, breakfast was arranged, but before lunch, my son bought it for him, and asked him to drink tea and smoke while keeping warm by the brazier.

Old Yetou took a sip of strong tea from a porcelain cup, and couldn't help feeling proud. Now his life is not much worse than that of the rich man's old man.

Before Lao Ye finished his cup of tea, Mrs. Wang entered the main room with the food, and Ye Laiyin also lifted the curtain and entered the room.

"Second brother, why didn't your elder brother come back?"

"Big brother told us to eat first, it's so cold today, big brother dare not stop the brazier."

When eating on weekdays, the masters are all neat and tidy at home, and have never left anyone alone.

At this time, the old Yetou didn't see the eldest son, so he asked casually, Mrs. Wang went out to get things again, and there were only the father and two in the room, so Ye Laiyin didn't pay attention, and just answered casually.

As a result, the old Mrs. Qian who came out of the inner room heard these words seriously, and immediately blew up. "Second, what do you mean by that? Why does the vegetable garden make braziers?"

Ye Laiyin froze.

She groaned softly, and said in a deep voice, "Mother heard wrong, I mean a brazier was set up in the main room to keep warm."

"Let go of your mother's pi! My mother is not deaf yet!"

Lao Ye's old face was blackened into the bottom of the pot, and he would also blame him for not paying attention, forgetting that this old guy was still in the room.

Ye Laiyin also kept a dark face and said nothing.

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, old Qian thought that they were in the wrong, and became more and more righteous.

(End of this chapter)

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