Chapter 648 You Are Too Unlucky
Now, the little thin monkey's creepy gaze finally moved away from He Xiner.

He Xiner rolled her eyes silently, and started to take off the cloak. The little girl also felt that she had untied the cloak, plus the gloves of the two of them. He took it and quickly sent it back to her.

Lao Ye's noon meal: a large pot of bacon and potatoes, a large pot of white rice porridge, a basket of white flour steamed buns, and a portion of shredded pickles.

Oh, and there is also a dish of scrambled eggs with dried chili. This is an appetizer for the old men. He Xiner taught Wang Shi.

The fiery red dried chili and the yellow scrambled eggs are so eye-catching in bright colors. It is spicy, fragrant and satisfying to eat. Old Ye Touye is very rare.

The bacon and potatoes are not to be compared, the oily pork belly is so much added that you don’t need money, just looking at it makes you swallow your mouth water.

The white rice porridge is soft and sticky, and the white flour steamed buns are soft and delicious.

Old Cui and the little thin monkey ate so ferociously that even Qian Dafa, who wanted the face the most, couldn't control it, so he ate three big steamed buns in one go before reluctantly closing his mouth.

Qian Xiaohe's skinny female doll ate two steamed buns, but old Cui's was even more ruthless, she stuffed one when she was full, and ate four steamed buns in total.

It's hard to catch this meal, and I don't feel sorry for myself if I don't eat to my heart's content.

She wanted to take it home and eat it slowly, but Lao Ye's family had no one to talk to, so she knew it was impossible.

Therefore, she would rather take the risk of being stuffed to death, and she would eat enough!

In other words, thanks to the abundance of Wang's rice, otherwise there would not be enough to eat.

During this meal, Lao Qian's family, two, one, and one small, ate nine steamed buns.

Similarly, Lao Yetou's face is not good-looking.

Ye Laiyin ate a few mouthfuls in a hurry, then went to the vegetable shed to replace Ye Laijin.

When Ye Laijin came home, everyone had almost eaten, so naturally Wang had left some food, so he hurried to the kitchen to heat it up before bringing it over.

Qian Dafa, old Cui Shi and the little thin monkey Qian Xiaohe were all full, their stomachs were so distended that they couldn't sit still, so they stood up and walked around the room.

Old Yetou's face turned darker.

Ye Xusheng threw a few charcoals into the brazier from time to time, and the room became warmer and warmer. Qian Dafa squinted his old eyes and watched calmly, making up his mind that he must get something good today, otherwise he would not leave up...

After his father finished his meal, Ye Xusheng lost his mind about looking at the brazier, and went straight back to Dongkua courtyard to read. Well, the master is on vacation for half a day today.

He Xiner helped her mother clean up the table. Before she could go out with the bowls and chopsticks, she heard a shrill cry for help from the courtyard. Everyone was stunned. Ye Xusheng turned cold. here.

With a cold glance, there was indeed one person missing in the room.

He Xiner also vaguely guessed something, put down the things in her hands, and just about to go out to have a look, a thin figure opened the curtain and rushed in, "There is a dog, there is a dog, a big dog..."

It's the little skinny monkey Qian Xiaohe!
The whole person was frightened and stupid, ran behind old Cui, grabbed her baby's coat tightly, and kept talking about dogs, dogs...

"Heh, did you go to the second girl's house to steal something? Hey, it's also your bad luck. The second girl has a big dog, haha, are you scared?"

In fact, the big guys have guessed something, but it's not nice to be told by Ye Guihua.

Qian Dafa and old Cui's expressions were very ugly.

This was ordered thousands of times at home, and it was clearly promised well, but in the end, it was still such a toss...

(End of this chapter)

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