The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 663 Sister Gives You Chicken Soup

Chapter 663 Sister Gives You Chicken Soup
He Xiner's face was filled with surprise, is this still possible?

"Hey, you can try this!"

Of course, the important task of chasing pheasants must be handed over to Dabai. She and her cousin just pick up pheasants, haha...

"Be good, Dabai..."

He Xiner squatted beside Dabai, gently stroking its fluffy big head.

This proud ancestor still covered his ears tightly, and he didn't look like he didn't like to talk to people.

Knowing that it was making a fuss on purpose, He Xiner was very patient, like coaxing a child, she talked to it nicely, "Hey, come back from catching a pheasant tomorrow, sister will give you chicken to eat. How about it?"

The arrogant Dabai didn't bother to catch pheasants, and he's not a hunting dog. It's too cheap to let such a noble status catch pheasants~
don't go!don't go!
But now...

"Jie Zhuan's pheasant soup is delicious, oily and fragrant..."

Hey, you can have this!
Dabai's ears froze for a moment, and his bright black eyes conveyed the message seriously, that is, no problem, the pheasant is on me!

"Haha, Dabai is the best, I'll go catch pheasants tomorrow! Sister will give you chicken soup, fried chicken nuggets, grilled chicken, and dry-stir-fried spicy chicken..."

Ye Xusheng almost didn't laugh out loud.

In winter, the mountains are covered by heavy snow, but many people from the village enter the mountains, and they do not go deep into the mountains, for fear of encountering wild boars looking for food everywhere. They are very powerful, and if they see people when they are extremely hungry, they will It is very dangerous to keep chasing after him.

Therefore, people in the village are all active in the front mountain, looking for some small animals such as pheasants and rabbits.

It's okay to be idle at home in winter. If you are lucky enough to catch a game or two, you can have a good meal and beat the gluttons in your stomach.

There are also people who are not willing to eat it, and sell it in the town for silver. At the end of the year, it is time for the family to spend money. If they can add some income, the family can have a good year.

Children as old as Ye Xusheng, many of them went into the mountains together in groups, looking for the footprints of pheasants and chasing pheasants. There are many people who can be dispersed. The pheasants are chased continuously. After flying twice, they are basically exhausted. Three times, you can fall into the snow nest.

The Ye Mancang brothers were like this. The nine brothers went into battle together, surrounded a big encirclement circle, and worked together to chase the pheasants.

Of course, in addition to catching pheasants, they also dig rabbit holes.

Anyway, they always find a way to come up with new tricks.

But the old Ye family only has one grandson, Ye Xusheng, and there is no cousin to buy with him, and he has to go to school every day, so he really has never played with anyone like this. If his cousin Mancang told him, he really didn't know.

But even if he knew, he didn't intend to tell He Xiner.

It was only when He Xiner was bored that he remembered this and diverted her attention.

Naturally, Xin'er didn't want Xin'er to be tired and run around, she just had to play.

It would be nice to have a clear mind to do that kind of rough work!

Haha, poor Dabai was tricked by Ye Xusheng just like that.

The tall, handsome and majestic noble prince suddenly became a hunting dog. In the days to come, he would chase pheasants and chase rabbits. Alas, there is no place to reason~
Originally, Dabai was quite depressed, but he couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food. He Xiner stretched out her fingers and counted the various chicken recipes, so greedy that Dabai almost salivated.

Well, for the sake of eating, it can sacrifice its personal image, isn't it just chasing after a wild chicken, small meaning...

Thus, the proud Dabai ancestor, following He Xiner's nagging, became more unreserved, wagging his tail, and rubbed his big head on He Xiner's body.

"Ha ha……"

He Xiner was so tickled by it, she giggled and made trouble with it.

(End of this chapter)

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