The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 669 The inside is actually packed to the brim

Chapter 669 The inside is actually packed to the brim
Little thin monkey Qian Xiaohe's eye was broken by old Qian's chopsticks, and he became red when he saw it.

Fortunately, the eyes were not injured, otherwise a little girl would be finished for the rest of her life.

Old Qian himself did not expect that he would be beaten so hard, he would feel a little guilty, not because he felt sorry for the little thin monkey, but because he was afraid of being relied on by others.

Her elder brother is not a good stubbler, if she breaks her granddaughter's face, or blinds her eyes, her elder brother will definitely ruthlessly strip her skin off.

So, old Qian's pretended to say in a rough voice, don't cry, and told Ye Feifeng to take the little skinny monkey back to the east wing to wash his face.

Old Yetou is so angry, he originally wanted to drive people away, but now that he is beaten like this, how dare he send people back.

The second son had just come home for dinner, and Lao Yetou didn't want to spoil his interest, so he directly dragged old Qian Shi to the backyard to scold him for groceries.

He scolded bloody head and face, and finally ordered, "I don't prepare that girl to eat in the main room in the future, I don't want to see her."

Although he didn't guard his family and children and grandchildren to be scolded, but he was dragged out in front of the whole family. Old Qian felt that his face was dull, and at the same time he felt a little wronged. He couldn't help but muttered a few words. It's only when you feel bad about something that you hit someone.

"Hmph, the old Qian's family actually produced some disgusting things!"

Old Qian was so angry that he fell backwards!

"Give her three steamed buns a day, and don't allow her to leave the East Wing. After three or five days, nothing can be seen on her face, so hurry up and send her away."

Old Yetou didn't want to continue to be sulking, so he simply grounded people out of sight and out of mind.

When the family members spoke, old Qian could only listen, and besides, she didn't want to see the little skinny monkey, if it wasn't for fear of causing trouble by sending it back like this, she wished she could drive him away now.

So, the matter was settled.

On the other side, He Xiner was afraid that the little girl would be afraid, so she coaxed her softly, and the little girl giggled and said, "I don't steal, so I'm not afraid that someone will beat me~"

He Xiner thought about the same reasoning, so she put it down and didn't mention it.

Watching helplessly as her father finished his meal, He Xiner approached her with a smile, "Father, I want to take my cousin to town."

Ye Laiyin pondered for a while, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it won't work today. Father and your uncle have agreed with the stewards of several big households to give some bean sprouts to try. I'm afraid it will be too late after wandering around. Girl Ling and the two go shopping by themselves, father is not afraid."

"Won't Brother Mancang go?"

"Well, I heard from your uncle that Mancang took a few brothers up the mountain to cut trees today."

In fact, He Xiner wanted to say that it was enough for her and her cousin to bring Dabai, but she also thought of how many bean sprouts and garlic yellow to give away, there must be a lot of baskets, and the carriage would be full.

Forget it, it’s not a must-buy.

"Tell Dad what Xin'er wants to buy, and I will buy it for you."

It was icy and snowy outside, and the ox cart was slipping on the road, Ye Laiyin really didn't want her daughter to go out.

"I don't have anything to buy, I just want to play."

For shoes and boots, you have to try to see if they fit before you buy them. Besides, her father always felt a little inappropriate when he went to a women's shop to buy boots~
"Is there really no need to buy it?"

Why did Ye Laiyin not believe it, so he asked again.

"It's really not necessary."

Since the girl said no, Ye Laiyin didn't insist anymore, he had to hurry to load the car and deliver the food.

He Xiner helped Wang shi clean up the table, let the little girl and Dabai play together, and then went to the vegetable garden to see if she could be of any help.

When she arrived at the vegetable garden, two baskets of garlic and five boxes of soybean sprouts had already been loaded into the car. He Xiner followed her to the car to look. Good guy, it was packed to the brim.

From the looks of it, the dishes at Uncle's house are not too old or young.

(End of this chapter)

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