The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 679 This is unscientific

Chapter 679 This is unscientific

This is not scientific!
With her grandma's temperament, with new cotton and new cloth heads, she can make a quilt cover by herself, so why would she want to be so ostentatious and hang it outside for others to see?
He Xiner was full of suspicion, and when she got to the kitchen, she asked Wang, "Mother, what happened to the new cotton curtain at the entrance of the main room?"

"That's what my mother just did."

The cauldron lifted the lid, and steam rose like smoke, and the kitchen was foggy. Mrs. Wang bent over to serve the vegetables, and she didn't bother to turn her head after listening to her daughter's words.

"The curtains that Ergu made are really beautiful!"

The little girl Wang Jinling admired sincerely.

On the other hand, He Xiner had a look of disbelief, "My grandma didn't take it off and keep it for myself?"

"You kid..."

Although only the mother was there, Mrs. Wang was still a little uncomfortable. She looked at the door with a guilty conscience, then turned her head to look at the girl with a sleepy face, and said in a low voice, "You pick up the cotton with a wooden stick every day." Quilt, don’t you know when you are a parent?”


It seems that her parents knew that she was in distress, so they specially made new cotton curtains to replace them.

"Then my grandma?"

"Your father honored your milk with ten catties of new cotton and two feet of cloth to make a quilt."

"Father is open-minded in his work!"

"This child..."

Wang couldn't laugh or cry.

Lunch is relatively simple, white rice porridge, white flour steamed buns, potatoes mixed with bacon, fried shredded pickles, my mother came in and out, and the meal was quickly set up.

In the morning, I saw a cart full of bean sprouts and garlic yellow, and He Xiner thought her father would come back later, but Ye Laiyin returned home before noon. The soy bean sprouts are left without even a nibble, which is very refreshing.

Old Yetou was overjoyed, and said that the big guys worked hard, and they would get money at the end of the year.

After hearing this, the old Qian's wife and the little Qian's wife became energetic and eager to gear up.

As a result, the atmosphere in the entire Old Ye family was surprisingly good and harmonious.

Well, especially without the friendly little monkey on the dinner table, the mood of the big guy will be even better.

Qian Xiaohe, the little monkey in the East Wing, was so anxious that she walked around the room almost [-] times. She was so hungry that she was so hungry that she was on fire. She wanted to eat fried dough sticks, meat and bones, and white rice porridge. ...

Just when she couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to rush into the main room, Ye Feifeng and Xiaoqian's wife came back feeling full, "Here, your meal."

A big white flour steamed bun was thrown high by Ye Feifeng, the little thin monkey subconsciously stretched out his hands to catch it, stared blankly at the steamed bun in his hands, raised his head in disbelief and asked, "That's the only one?"


"Isn't it enough to eat steamed buns with white noodles? Then go back to Lao Qian's house and eat steamed buns!"

Ye Feifeng's face was full of mockery and disdain.

"Auntie, I was sent by grandma to serve you..."

"Come on, don't talk about those nice things, it's useless to say it, I want to sleep for a while, if I don't eat, I will pick up beans quickly."

Heh, Xiaoqian didn't care about her, when she was sent back to her mother's house by Lao Ye's family, she didn't even get a bite to eat, let alone white flour steamed buns.

The little thin monkey's teardrops swirled in the eye sockets, and finally couldn't help coughing and rolling down, and then broke out like a flood that broke a bank and was uncontrollable, and then howled loudly, crying so loudly that it was a shock Earth-shattering!
Such hysterical crying, as if she had been wronged in every possible way, but also filled with indignation and unwillingness, she didn't know what happened to her from the old Ye family.

Little Qian, who had just laid down and was about to take a comfortable nap, was disturbed by her noise. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at the little monkey. roll!"

Suddenly being hit on the head by a pillow full of wheat husks, the little skinny monkey bumped into the ground with a groan, and cried even more heart-piercingly...

(End of this chapter)

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