Chapter 681 I feel so awkward
Mrs. Wang, who was squatting in front of the stove and burning the fire, was scalded by the splashed oil, but she didn't care about herself, and repeatedly told He Xiner to be careful.

"This is easy to make, Xin'er is on the back, Dad will do it!"

Ye Laiyin said that as long as it is not complicated, the daughter does not need to do it at all. This kind of rough work can be left to him, and the daughter can just watch.

"How hot it is, you tell Dad."

"Well, the surface is golden enough."

He Xiner, who was free, searched for cumin, crushed it in a garlic mortar for later use, and still had the dried chili noodles that I made before, so it was easy.

The chicken nuggets just fished out were placed in a large ceramic basin, sprinkled with a large handful of chopped cumin, and a small handful of chili noodles. While the chicken was still hot, He Xiner struggled to shake the ceramic basin Make sure that every piece of chicken is evenly coated with seasoning.

"It smells really exciting!"

Pepper and cumin are simply a perfect match. The two phases are blended together, and the taste is indescribable.

He Xiner smiled and squeezed a piece of chicken and stuffed it into her father's mouth, "How is it?"

"Delicious, delicious, this taste is different from spicy chicken, my daughter is amazing, she can make such old tricks!"

"Haha, it's all because of the cumin in it."

Ye Laiyin turned over the sizzling chicken nuggets in the oil pan with a long-handled strainer, and said with a smile, "This taste is really delicious."

"This pot does not add chili noodles."

While talking, without delaying the next move, He Xiner took another piece of chicken and stuffed it into her mother's mouth, "Does mother think it's spicy?"

"It's okay, mother can eat."

"Haha, it's still spicy~"

Just as they were talking and laughing, the kitchen door opened from the outside, and Ye Xusheng came in with a cold body.

"Brother Hall, you came just in time, this pot has just been made, haha, try it quickly."

Seeing the person coming, He Xiner took a piece of chicken without saying a word, went up to meet him, and fed it directly to Ye Xusheng's mouth.

Just as Ye Xusheng had time to call his second uncle and second aunt, he was stuffed with a mouthful of chicken, and he couldn't laugh or cry~
"taste good or not?"

I haven't swallowed it yet, so I can't speak.

A pair of handsome eyes were full of smiles, and she nodded gently at He Xiner.

"Dabai may have done it. He also caught a fat big rabbit and gave it to Brother Mancang. I also gave Cuizhi a pheasant."

"Haha, the pheasant that Dabai caught must be eaten more."

The chicken in the oil pan had been deep-fried until it was golden brown. Ye Laiyin hurriedly fished it out with a strainer, busy with his hands, and said without delay, "Leave some for Dabai without seasoning."

"Hey, good."

Speaking of Dabai, He Xiner yelled, "Brother Hall, send some fried chicken to Uncle Zhang and Brother Zhang, I haven't thanked them for sending us Dabai~"

Ye Xusheng also had this intention, and said casually, "Then I will send it now."

Find a clean wine jar "Use this?"

"it is good"

He Xin'er took the chopsticks and began to put the chicken into the jar. She couldn't explain why she felt a little uncomfortable. Anyway, there were no outsiders around, so she didn't hold back:

"Why do I feel that Dabai has been with me for a long time, as if it was our family from the beginning, I will say thank you to Uncle Zhang and Brother Zhang, I feel so awkward~"

It's like that kind of thing that belongs to me, but I still want to thank you for giving it back to me, and I feel very uncomfortable.

It seems a bit unreasonable!

Dabai was originally given by Brother Zhang, but now he has a bit of a mentality, um, it’s a little bit cheap and he’s a good boy`
Wang Shi and Ye Laiyin said with a smile, Dabai is sensible and well-behaved, and is as close as the ones who were raised since childhood. This is because she and Dabai are predestined, and they should really thank Zhang's father and son.

Ye Xusheng blinked his eyes lightly and did not speak.

Old Ye's dinner was cooked early today, and when Ye Xusheng arrived at Zhang's with the jar in his arms, it was just getting dark.

(End of this chapter)

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