The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 685 Look at what kind of idiot you are asking

Chapter 685 Look at what kind of stupid thing you are asking

"Hehe, do you know how powerful my sister is?"

Ye Yuanyuan watched He Xiner's wrinkled face so quickly, she thought it was very funny, and covered it with her other hand rudely.

Then, the two of them heard He Xiner yelling "I'm freezing to death", and then jumped three feet high, screaming "Duo La La, Duo La La", bouncing around. I took three or four steps back~
"Haha, the bad girl will have her day too!"

Patting the snow on the gloves, Ye Yuanyuan had a smirk on his face, and squinted at He Xiner, "You will know how powerful your sister is, right?"

"Look at what you're doing, what if you freeze someone up?"

Cuizhi disapproved of her behavior very much, she scolded her, walked up to He Xiner in two steps, held He Xiner's small face in her white hands, and said, "Warm your face."

"Your hands are so gentle~"

"Well, I'm afraid of the cold, so I hide my hands in my sleeves all the time."

Being left out of the cold, Ye Yuanyuan rubbed her nose and moved closer to her, and said with a smile, "Is sister Xin'er warmer?"


On weekdays, she yelled at one bad girl at a time, but now she suddenly laughed like this, and she even called Sister Xin'er, the contrast shouldn't be too big~
After joking a few more words, He Xiner took off her gloves and handed them to Cuizhi, "How about trying it? I'll ask my mother to make you a pair later. It won't be cold at all for playing in the snow."

"Aunt Wang doesn't need to be busy, my mother is fine at home, just ask my mother to do it."

"Although Xin'er's gloves are not embroidered, they are better because the fabric is fresh. My gloves are not good. My mother just asked me to wear them for work, and they don't look good at all."

Both He Xiner and Cuizhi looked over subconsciously. Yuanyuan's gloves were made of very ordinary azure cotton cloth. They were indeed not outstanding as she said, but fortunately they were thick and warm.

Just like the cloak on her body, the calm and low-key color of navy blue is a bit old-fashioned for Yuanyuan's age. Fortunately, there is a circle of twining lotuses embroidered on the tail, which makes it more elegant and delicate.

"Is Aunt Bai very busy, so I didn't take care of it for you?"

"Oh, my mother said it would look better if I embroidered a flower on it."

"Did I hear wrong? You can embroider?"

He Xiner picked out her ears, with a look of disbelief, her eyes were full of smiles.

"Bad girl, what kind of look is that, what's wrong with not believing my sister?"

"Hehe~ I don't really believe it..."

Ye Yuanyuan's eyes widened immediately, and she waved her hands as if about to fight, but was stopped by Guan Cuizhi, "Why hasn't Sister Ling'er come back yet? Is everything going to be okay?"

"It doesn't matter."

With the tall and mighty Dabai following, He Xiner can rest assured.

So, the three little friends continued the topic just now. It turned out that winter had nothing to do at home, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi both picked up needlework, and learned how to be a female celebrity, He Xiner heard He praised again and again, and said that the two of them were amazing.

"How did Cuizhi learn? Could it be possible to embroider complicated patterns like peonies and peonies?"

He Xiner was just curious, and she thought in her heart that Cuizhi would be more talented than Yuanyuan in terms of female celebrities.

"Hey, look what a stupid thing you're asking?"

Before Cuizhi could speak, Yuanyuan couldn't hold back her temper and gave her a blank stare.

It made He Xiner baffled, why didn't she know where she was being stupid.

Although she didn't learn embroidery, she helped her mother make a jacket two days ago. Well, she helped her with two stitches.

"Ask Miss Yuanyuan, what did the villain say wrong?"

He Xin'er kept a stern face, bowed in a serious manner, and seemed to be humbly asking for advice, which made Yuanyuan and Cuizhi laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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